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By Josh Carter

December 01, 2012


You turned my lament into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, so that I can sing to You and not be silent. LORD my God, I will praise You forever. —Psalm 30:11–12


A Division I basketball school entered its conference tournament as the number eight seed, which meant a low probability of making it to the NCAA tournament. Despite the odds, they achieved that goal by knocking off the one-, two-, and four-seeded teams, thereby earning entry into the NCAA tournament. As one team member summarized, “We put it together when it counted most.” We all know that falling short of our expectations leads to disappointment both on and off the court. However, if we, like that eighth-seeded team, keep looking forward to even a small hope of success, we’ll often be glad we did.

King David knew about keeping his eyes fixed on his goal. Even though he had been chosen by God to lead his people, he faced many struggles and much grief along the way. However, when he cried out to God in his pain and clung to the hope found in Him, David’s mourning was turned into dancing.

The Son of David, Jesus Christ, experienced far greater trials when He came to earth. He endured the cross but submitted Himself to God for the joy that was set before him (Heb 12:2). He also knew that mourning would soon be turned to dancing. Sometimes God changes our perspective in difficult situations so that we are able to endure them (2 Co 12:7–9). Other times He relieves us by setting us free from the difficulty (Ex 6:6). Whatever our circumstances may be, we can submit ourselves to Him because of His love and faithfulness toward us in Jesus, offering Him thanks that His joy is our strength. As we seek Him in the midst of daily challenges, we may not be certain of when or how He will relieve us, but we can be certain that somehow, someway, He will meet us there.


1. Have you undergone a struggle in your coaching experience where you have seen God working in you as a result?
2. How can trials be beneficial?
3. Have you allowed God to turn your sorrow into joy?


Extra Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1–4; Isaiah 61:1–3; Jeremiah 31:4; John 16:33


Lord, Let me recognize that You are the reason for my dance and song today so that I might praise You forever. Amen.