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Make a Choice

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By Michael Hill

January 07, 2013


"See, today I have set before you life and prosperity, death and adversity." –Deuteronomy 30:15


Our lives are made up of choices. Should I go out for this team? Should I go to practice? Should I play that sport? Should I go to class? From the time the day begins and we decide to get out of bed, everything is a choice. For some of us that choice is easier than for others. Some of our dads make getting out of bed and going to class an easy choice. The thing we often overlook as athletes is that our success is largely our personal choice. No one can make it for us.

God has given us all gifts and talents. The choice then becomes, how do we use those gifts? Athletes who excel at a high level choose to put energy into developing their God-given gifts. The athletes who never live up to their potential are those who don’t work at developing their gifts. We have to choose to put in the extra hours it requires to be a champion. The old saying goes, “If it were easy, everybody would be a state champion.” It’s not easy, and it might not be smooth sailing; but if we make the choice to become a champion, whether in athletics or any other area, the rewards will outweigh the energy put into achieving it.


1. What are the gifts that God has given you?
2. How are you using the gifts?
3. Can you use your gifts to glorify God?


Romans 12:4-8; 1 Corinthians 12


Lord, show me the gifts You have given me. Take my life and put me in the places You know I need to be. Use my life to build Your Kingdom. You are the Designer of not only my life, but of everything that has ever been, everything that is, and everything that is to come. Amen.

About the Author:

Michael Hill is a former FCA staff member and head coach. He lives and teaches in Haysville, Kan. In his career, Michael has been blessed to coach college and high school football and spend years as a high school cross country coach.