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Get Up

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By FCA Resources

November 27, 2013


For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.–Ephesians 6:12


It was a week before the big game. Coach knew how to prepare his team. Every day he broke down the opponent’s offense and defense so his team knew them almost better than they knew themselves. For that week, he added one task to the end of every practice, firmly believing it would make a difference.

A game plan is vital for every contest. Throughout Scripture, God’s game plan was instituted among His coaches. Jesus provided the greatest example of preparing for battle. He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil. Satan thought he had the perfect plan, but Jesus was so prepared that every time Satan tempted Him, He came back with an impenetrable defense: God’s Word.

Christ was alert and ready for every move because He was prepared for everything thrown His way. What was this post-practice assignment the team performed each day? After practice, the coach brought out ladders, and the team cut down the nets. To be champions, we have to act like champions. The team defeated their tough opponent and cut down the nets just like they had all week. Jesus set the example that being alert and ready is part of being prepared for battle. Just as Jesus “got up” for Satan, the team “got up” for their big game. What do we need to do to “get up” and face our trials and temptations?


1. How do you “get up” for the big game?
2. Are you alert and ready for life on a daily basis?
3. How will you get up to stand up for Jesus?


Matthew 24:42; Luke 21:36; Revelation 3:3


Lord, I realize my fight is not against anything in this world, but against Satan. Help me be prepared the next time Satan tries to discourage me. Help me wear the full armor of God today. Amen.