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  • Getting Your Eyes off Yourself

    April 02, 2014


    Several years ago, Sara Tucholsky of Western Oregon University smacked her first home run in her college career with two runners on base in a playoff game against Central Washington University. While rounding the bases, she missed first base. As she started back to tag it, she collapsed with a knee injury. All she could do was crawl back to first, and if her teammates helped her, she would be called out.

    Central Washington first baseman Mallory Holtman reportedly asked the umpire if she and her teammates could help Tucholsky. The umpire said yes, so Holtman and shortstop Liz Wallace put their arms under Tucholsky’s legs, and Tucholsky put her arms over their shoulders. The three rounded the bases, stopping only to let Tucholsky touch each bag with her uninjured leg.

  • How Firm is Your Base?

    April 01, 2014


    One of the most overlooked participants on a competitive cheer squad, especially when a routine is going well, is the athlete called the “base.” As a matter of fact, when a cheer squad is nailing their routine, the base will hardly be noticed at all. However, when a “flier” misses a landing or a base misses a catch, I guarantee the base will be noticed. You see, the base is the foundation; everything must be built upon and supported by a firm base.

  • Pride Bombs

    March 31, 2014


    I did it again. I can’t believe I haven’t learned yet. I should know better, but it’s so hard not to do it. Everyone does it. I guess it’s considered just part of life, but I refuse to cave in and be like everyone else.

  • Out of the Heart

    March 30, 2014


    What we speak and how we speak comes out of our hearts. We all can let things come out of our mouths and realize that there’s a problem. Sometimes when I hear my players say certain things, I’m reminded of what Jesus said in Matthew 12:34, “For the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.” So you have to be a role model. You have to be an example. It takes action, and it takes attitude. Actions speak louder than words and attitude speaks louder than actions. You have to live by what you say. That speaks to a person’s integrity. Living it out is much more powerful than just saying it. Jesus lived it. We have His words, but we also have His actions. That’s so powerful.

  • Patience

    March 29, 2014


    In our culture, patience is becoming less and less common. We’re an instant gratification society, so when things don’t go according to our timetable or plans, we get frustrated and sometimes angry. How many times have coaches lost their tempers when athletes failed to make the right plays or the right decisions?

  • Dream Big!

    March 28, 2014


    Have you ever been a part of a team that had a break-through year? In my own experiences as both a player and a coach, I find that those moments happen after a great deal of planning and training. Usually those “miracle” seasons don’t just happen; they are the result of hard work and effort. But one thing they do have in common is a big dream.

  • Give Up or Stand Up

    March 27, 2014


    When I was admitted into the hospital in 2006 and, after five days of testing, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I found myself asking the question, “Why me, God? I have served You all these years, even preached Your Word as a youth pastor. Why would You allow me to get this devastating disease?”

    I began to let the adversary work in my mind telling me to give up, that my life was over. I began to think that maybe I wasn’t worthy of God’s protection over my health. This tortured me for a while like a slow drip of water on my forehead. As time went by I realized that I once stood strong and healthy, and now I battle to stand. I asked myself again, “Why?”

  • Good Team

    March 26, 2014


    A successful partnership is a key in any sport, no matter how many athletes are playing at once. Let's think about basketball specifically. You start with a pick-up game of two-on-two. In that situation, you must work hand-in-hand with your teammate (partner), in order to prevent your two opponents from scoring, and you must find a way to score yourself. Usually, in order to become efficient partners, you have to play a few games together to figure it out. And the more you play together, the better your partnership becomes.

  • The Four Core

    March 25, 2014


    The Final Four was and always will be one of the most exciting sporting events. Even if you are not a basketball person, it is awesome to watch March Madness as it narrows down 68 teams into four core teams. This makes me think about FCA's Four Core. Not four core teams but four core values. FCA's desire is that all our relationships will demonstrate a steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word through our values of integrity, serving, teamwork and excellence.

  • The Prize

    March 24, 2014


    All through the NFL playoffs, I spent much time scanning the various channels and listening to the experts’ analytical approaches to each matchup: who was going to win, who should win, who won't win and why it was important to win at all. When it comes to what is truly important, I think of the FCA Coaches Mandate, which offers a different take on importance.

    After reading this, the concept takes on a different meaning, depending on where you are in your life and your faith. Read it here.

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