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  • Who Are You?

    December 12, 2010


    Who are you? Don’t pull out your ID; that’s just a name. Don’t tell me you’re a coach; that’s your occupation. Don’t tell me you’re an American; that’s your nationality. As coaches, realizing our identity is one of the hardest things to do because a lot of our self-esteem is based on what we do for a living, what our win-loss record is, or how long we have been coaching or playing our sport.

    Historically, many last names came into being based on a person’s occupation, like Black or Smith for a blacksmith. Other names were based on whose son you were, like Johnson or Thomson. Based on how others view you, do you think they would give you a name based on what you do for a living, or based on the fact that God is your Father?

  • Who Am I?

    December 10, 2010


    Many of us know the exciting story of Moses and the major events that occurred during the time of his leadership. We think of the miracles such as the burning bush and the parting of the Red Sea, and we recall the awesome wonder of the Ten Commandments. What we tend to ingore is the beginning of the story when God came and commissioned Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. When the call came, Moses questioned his ability not once but five times (see Ex 3–4). God reassured Moses, and eventually Moses stepped up to the plate.

  • Making a Difference

    December 10, 2010


    I love to visit and speak at our area Huddles. Recently, after speaking at a school in Geneva, Ill., I lingered to visit with the Huddle Coaches before I left. That day, I’d spoken about making a difference by doing a radical act of kindness for a person in their building. As with all of us who share messages in front of crowds, I never know what impact my words will have on the lives of those who are listening, but being faithful to deliver the truth of God’s promises is what matters most.

  • Why Bother?

    December 09, 2010


    I heard a story about a busy intern who worked in the emergency room. An elderly man came in one morning to have stitches removed. He was in a hurry to be treated so he wouldn’t be late for breakfast with his wife. The doctors could not attend to him for at least another hour, so the intern decided to take the stitches out herself. While they were talking, the elderly man explained that his wife suffered from Alzheimer’s disease and had not recognized him for the past five years. When asked why he still visited her every day, he replied, “She doesn’t know me, but I still know who she is.”

  • Gap-Free Living

    December 09, 2010


    There is a story from the French Revolution that tells of a man who was seen running after a mob. As he moved quickly into danger, somebody screamed, “Stop! Stop! Don’t follow that mob!” He continued to sprint toward them, calling back, “I have to follow them! I’m their leader!”

  • Where’s Your Dad?

    December 08, 2010


    Dave Barnes is a coach at a large public school in Spokane, Washington. He is a legendary, state-honored coach, having led his teams to city championships in each of the last twenty years. However, what is more impressive than all his titles is the fact that he is a father to so many of his students and athletes. When Dave was two years old his father abandoned the family, remarried, and moved to another state. When his mother remarried three years later, this new dad became a true father to him. Sadly, when Dave was ten years old, his stepfather was struck by lightening and killed. His mother married a third time a few years later, but this new stepfather was an alcoholic. Dave never really had a dad who lasted.

  • What’s Your Favorite Sport?

    December 06, 2010


    Do you have a favorite sport? Maybe, maybe not, but regardless of the type of game we enjoy, our favorite aspect of any sport ought to be respect. We owe respect to our opponent and to ourselves, as well as to the sport we are playing. The name for such respect is sportsmanship, and it also includes courtesy and fairness. I’ve discovered a sportsman-like attitude in golf and in track more than in other sports. Golf is typically played with honor. Winning first place in track isn’t crucial; a runner can earn points for finishing third, fourth, or even fifth place.

  • Case Keenum Video Devotion Series – Part II

    December 03, 2010


    After leading the nation in total offense and passing yards per game last season, University of Houston quarterback Case Keenum was all set to lead the Cougars to another great run in 2010. That all changed, however, when in just their third game Keenum suffered a season-ending knee injury that forced him to the sideline for his senior season. As a man of faith, the injury forced Keenum to rely on the Lord in new ways and to fully trust in the Lord’s ultimate plan.

  • Case Keenum Video Devotion Series – Part I

    December 02, 2010


    After leading the nation in total offense and passing yards per game last season, University of Houston quarterback Case Keenum was all set to lead the Cougars to another great run in 2010. That all changed, however, when in just their third game Keenum suffered a season-ending knee injury that forced him to the sideline for his senior season. As a man of faith, the injury forced Keenum to rely on the Lord in new ways and to fully trust in the Lord’s ultimate plan.

  • The Lost

    November 29, 2010

    Andrew had an interesting season. He started as the back-up quarterback, and then after four games he became the starter for four games, and then he was moved to receiver where he played the final four games as a receiver/quarterback. His team did not finish as they would have liked and missed a bowl game. During the season, the team suffered through a six-game losing streak. As each week went by with loss after loss, you could see it wearing on most of the team. But Andrew had more on his mind than worrying about the previous week's loss.

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