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  • Faithfulness

    March 11, 2013


    The statement, “Your ‘yes’ must be ‘yes,’ and your ‘no’ must be ‘no’ ” is at the heart of what it means to be faithful. A faithful person can be trusted. Jesus told the disciples that they should be so well known for their integrity, that they should never have to take an oath. The oaths of yesterday are the legal contracts of today. We can do almost nothing today without a legal contract. Fifty years ago a handshake was considered binding. People felt keeping one’s word was important. Today, our word means nothing because of a general lack of societal integrity. Faithfulness is not just keeping our word, it is telling the truth.

  • Misplaced Treasures

    March 10, 2013


    If you’re running to win but you have only earthly goals in mind, it will be short-lived. It will be a withering type of thing. You have to have spiritual goals in mind. Things do get in the way of being excellent. Some of those things are pride and self-centeredness but you still have to do everything as unto the Lord. You have to try to keep those types of thoughts out. You have to understand what’s spiritual and what’s long lasting. I’m reminded of the Scripture passage about the guy who had the barns, was very blessed, and said he was going to build bigger barns and store all of his wares. But God said to him, “You’re a fool because all these things will be taken from you this very night.” Where is your soul?

  • Coach's Correction

    March 09, 2013


    How do we respond to our coach’s correction? How do we react when a teammate tells us our technique needs improvement? The answers could reveal a lot about our character.

    How deeply impressed would we be by 100 blows to our back? Pretty deeply I suppose. For athletes this may be 100 laps around the gym floor. I hope it wouldn’t take 100 to make an impression. For fools it seems that it takes 100 blows to make a good impression. For people of understanding, it takes something else.

  • Victory in Christ

    March 08, 2013


    Everyone wants to win. As coaches, we are probably more conscious of winning than most. After all, many times our livelihood rides on winning and losing. But we must be careful that our desire to win does not become our only emphasis with our athletes. We cannot push our players to win “at all costs.” The great coach John Wooden once said, “I don’t know whether always winning is good. It breeds envy and distrust in others and overconfidence and lack of appreciation very often in those who enjoy it.” How important it is for coaches to walk that fine line between wanting their teams to succeed, and acting as though winning is the only thing.

  • You Are Not in Charge

    March 07, 2013


    God knows and directs all that happens in our lives. How foolish it is for us to contend with our Creator.

    Jeremiah illustrates how God, at times, allows His children to experience brokenness in order to renew their original purpose. Jeremiah 18:3-7 states, “I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, working away at the wheel. But the jar that he was making from the clay became flawed in the potter’s hand, so he made it into another jar, as it seemed right for him to do. The word of the Lord came to me: ‘House of Israel, can I not treat you as this potter treats his clay?’—this is the Lord’s declaration. ‘Just like clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand.’ ”

  • Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say

    March 06, 2013


    Recently a young Notre Dame fan suffering from brain cancer was brought to the attention of the Irish’s head football coach. The sick ten-year-old was a major Notre Dame fan and was nearing the end of his life, so the coach decided to pay him a visit. After a several-hour visit with the young fan, his mother noted that it was the first time in months she had seen her son smile.

    Prior to leaving, the coach asked if there was anything he could do for him. The young man asked if he could call the first offensive play of the team’s next game. The coach promised he would honor that request and asked what the play would be. The young man replied, “Pass right.”


    March 05, 2013


    They are rare and very hard to come by, but every once in a while, you can spot one. There aren’t too many in locker rooms or on ball fields, but, once they are identified, they stick out BIG TIME! When a “VRP” is around, you feel like a million bucks. They just have a way of making you feel special. What is a VRP? It is a Very Refreshing Person. These people breathe life into the ordinary and transform it. As lifters, they have an ability to bless others and bring words of encouragement.

  • Constructive Criticism

    March 04, 2013


    Nobody likes to be criticized, and athletics is full of criticism. Whether it’s from players, coaches, parents, or fans, any coach on any level has had to deal with the “critic.”

  • Point of View

    March 03, 2013


    Most of us have known a teammate with a glaring weakness. Maybe a part of his/her game was incomplete. Maybe it was a character flaw. Did we make that weakness his/her defining characteristic? Paul wrote, “From now on, then, we do not know anyone in a purely human way.” That could paraphrase like this, “So from now on, I will not let someone’s personal weakness be that person’s defining characteristic.” Just as we shouldn’t focus on a person’s physical limitations, we should have the same attitude when dealing with commitments. I’m committed to praying for others and encouraging them when they act wisely and when

  • Motion Less, Live More

    March 02, 2013


    It can be easy to go through the motions. Lifting weights, practices, even games—the monotony of daily routines makes it hard not to get lost in the familiar. We start operating on autopilot, much like in driving when we become so familiar with the route that we mentally tune out. It can be that way at the end of the day. What if, instead, we gave everything? What if we didn’t arrive at our destination or the end of the day wondering how we got there, but really gave our all to experience life? Then we could live a life of no regrets, not wondering if there could have been more.

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