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  • Ephesians 4:27

    September 10, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  When you’re on defense, one of the worst things you can do is let your opponent stand in front of your net waiting to tip the puck, get a rebound, or just screen your goal tender.  Detroit scored buckets of goals against Colorado in 07 doing just that and swept them right out of the playoffs.  You cannot let that guy stake his position there.  It takes work to get him away but if you let him stick around, he’s bound to cause trouble.

  • 1 Corinthians 12:25

    September 10, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Good hockey teams win as a team and lose as a team.  They are protective of each other on the ice, sometimes getting in scuffles that they never started.  They celebrate together after a goal, whoever scored it.  It’s that comradely that keeps the team strong.


  • 2 Corinthians 1:3

    September 10, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  There is a technique play in hockey know as “cycling”.  It’s a matter of one guy skating with the puck then passing it off to another player, moving the puck in the same way while the first guy takes the second guy’s position.  Sounds confusing?  It’s much harder to defend than to understand.  The premise is to skate until you get in trouble and then pass the puck back.  When that guy skates and gets in trouble, you’ll have skated back to be open so he can pass it to you.  The constant helping out the guy in trouble becomes a “cycle” that draws the defense and helps keep control of the puck.

  • Psalm 107:19

    September 10, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  When a player gets double teamed up against the boards they know their in trouble.  As they battle for the puck, they’ll often hear a familiar voice of someone on their team calling out instructions on a safe place to pass it.  They would stay in trouble and lose the puck if someone didn’t call out to them.

  • Luke 22:28

    September 10, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  A battle for the puck is what the game is all about.  What teamwork is about is getting in there and helping your teammate win the puck.  There is that thankful feeling when the play moves on because of the support that your buddy gave in a time of need.


  • Galatians 1:10

    September 10, 2010


    Hockey Chat: When a coach sends his players out there, he is sending them to do the best for him.  If the player was to go out there and played just with consideration for the other team, he’d be letting down his coach.  But good players go out there and play for the guy standing behind there bench, and that will always clash with the opposition.

  • Ecclesiastes 4:12

    September 10, 2010


    Hockey Chat: One on one isn’t much of a scoring threat.  Two on one creates a bit of worry for the goalie knowing that the odds are against him and the shot may come from either player.  Three on one is a nightmare for the goal tender and almost guaranteed to beat him. 


  • 1 John 4:9

    September 10, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  When a goalie is said to “Stand on his head” that means he’s making great saves for the team.  This may have been derived after NHL President Frank Calder, referencing the 1918 rules change that allowed goalies to fall down to make a save, remarked, "They could stand on their head, if they wanted to."  Basically it means they are giving their all to stop pucks.


  • Romans 10:17

    September 10, 2010


    Hockey Chat: You may not remember Ned Harkness when you think of hockey’s greatest, but he truly was.  His name is not inscribed on the Stanley Cup but it is in the Hockey Hall of Fame.  He didn’t run up the scoreboard with goals but filled the hearts and minds of the players with knowledge and passion.

  • Philippians 1:21

    September 10, 2010


    Hockey Chat: Keeping the puck out of your net is necessary part of the game for a team to win.  Guys have blocked shots with all kinds of body parts. Sliding and diving they do what they can to stop the puck from being shot into their goal.  Each block is another benefit to the team.

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