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Mark and Katharyn Richt Video Study – Part I

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By FCA Resources

October 06, 2010


“…The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.”
-Job 1:21b 


In more than two decades of marriage, University of Georgia Head Football Coach Mark Richt and his wife, Katharyn, have learned valuable lessons about three very popular things in FCA: faith, family and football. Today, we’re starting our four-part video devotion series based on the Richts’ recent interview with FCA’s Sharing the Victory magazine.

To access the video, click the link below to watch or download the clip. After you’ve watched the short video, take time to answer the questions below. Finish by reading the related Scripture and asking God to work in your heart as a result of what you’ve learned.


Click Here to Watch the Video

  1. Have you ever experienced a dashed athletic dream? What did you learn about priorities through that experience?
  2. Why is it dangerous for us to place sports as our top priority? 
  3. What would you do if your sport was taken away from you tomorrow?
  4. Why is it safe to allow God to be the top priority in your life?

Psalm 33:4
Matthew 22:36-38
James 1:17



Want more? Watch or download the feature interview with Mark and Katharyn Richt at Click Here.

And to learn more about other athletes and coaches who compete for Christ, subscribe to FCA’s Sharing the Victory (STV) magazine at