We are excited to offer you a large range of radio spots to help promote FCA in your area.
We have a variety of general spots as well as specialty spots promoting different aspects of our ministry.
How to use them:
- Select the one(s) you want to air when you have a station in your area donating PSA’s/radio time to FCA. We include a single .ZIP file with all of the ads.
- Be proactive and call on a local station who might have a manager with a heart for FCA.
Suggested stations to contact:
- Christian-based programming, general news, etc.
- Stations who air the local sports games and reports
How do I edit for local contact information:
Many local stations will help you edit/add local information, but you may also contact FCA for counsel or recording help.
- FCA Goal #1 - Football 1
- FCA Goal #2 - Football 2
- FCA Goal #3 - Miler
- FCA Goal #4 - Sprinter
- FCA Goal #5 - Golf
- FCA Goal #6 - Swim
- FCA Goal #7 - Tennis
- FCA Goal #8 - Baseball
- Everybody Wins
- Nobody Loses
- Touching Millions
- FCA Campus with Local Tag (14 seconds available at the end of the spot to add local information)
- Four C's with Local Tag (16 seconds available at the end of the spot to add local information)
- Competitor's Creed Commercial
- Plus many more!