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  • What's In Your Wallet?

    October 08, 2004


    "Why do you want to make it to the NFL?" That was a question I recently posed to three promising athletes. The first responded with an expected answer. He wanted the glory, fame and money that came with it. He wanted to be rich. The second player wanted to fulfill a dream of playing at the highest level and to help his family. The third player took time to think before answering.

  • Nowhere to Hide

    October 07, 2004


    Timeout was called. There were only five seconds on the clock before halftime — enough time to run a good out-of-bounds play to score. Everyone paid attention in the huddle and knew the play. The ball was ready to go in. The play began, but Matt had a different plan. He received the ball and went to the basket, just missing the shot. He was so excited when he got into the locker room until a teammate informed him that he had shot at the wrong basket. Matt did what every good player would do in this situation: he hid as long as he could from the coach, which happened to be me!

  • Changed Lives, Change Lives

    October 06, 2004


    John was the man. He was the star of every team he played on at his school. Had the best car, the best girl, the best of everything. On the outside, he lacked nothing. Everybody wanted to be like John. His lifestyle was fast and furious. He played hard and partied hard as well. Most people thought it was good to be John. But John was not content. He knew he was missing something in his life. After practice one Wednesday, Bill, a teammate of John's, invited him to come to FCA that night. Bill thought John would never come, but he showed up. John heard the Good News of Jesus Christ, and it made him think. He asked Bill if he could come to church with him that Sunday as well. Something was happening in John's life.

  • Is It In You?

    September 24, 2004


    You see it on every sideline. Every team has it and in nearly as many flavors as Baskin Robbins. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about — Gatorade. It is as common to sports as the equipment we use to play. There are many imitations out there, but there is only one true Gatorade. Athletes at all levels consume this product daily to help them feel their best before, during and after a performance. And commercials today ask, "Is it in you?"

  • Number Called

    September 09, 2004


    Many players head off to college to play sports with dreams of making it to the big time. Jonathan was no different. Coming out of high school, he was a talented player with a promising future. But he arrived to school only to find disappointment and hard times. Like many new players in their first year, adjustments came hard for Jonathan. He didn't get in one single play last season. He was ready to give up and give in to his frustrations and disappointment, but did what every good young athlete should do in a case like that … He talked to his mother. Her advice was to stick it out, stay in God's word and wait on the Lord. He did just that.

  • Getting Cut: A Good Thing?

    September 02, 2004


    After the third preseason game of an NFL team, many players find out where they stand in trying to make the cut. One such player, Jason, found out some bad news. Before his third game, he was told that he was cut. Jason drove home, obviously disappointed in not making the team.

  • One Mission

    August 23, 2004


    The United States softball team entered the 2004 Olympic Games with one thing on their collective minds — winning a gold medal. Not only did they win the gold, they dominated. They went undefeated, outscoring their opponents 51-1, surrendering their lone run in a 5-1 win in the gold medal game against Australia. "That team is clearly on a mission," said Australian coach, Simon Roskvist.

  • True Worship

    July 29, 2004


    I know a team that loves to talk the talk, but does not know how to walk the walk. They look the part, but many of them do not work for the true good of the team. Many are just in it for the status and the look, thinking that they have already arrived. Know any teams or players like that? On game day, they are dressed to the hilt. They say the right things and look the part, but when the ball is in play, you find out what they are truly made of, or how much they have really prepared for the competition.

  • One Truth

    July 08, 2004


    To many campers, truth is a relative thing. "Being close counts, doesn't it?" they ask. Not exactly. During one of the ice-breaker games for the week, people were asked to share three things with their group, two truths and one not so true. But all three seem rather believable at times.

    Finding truth can be very difficult. Students are being bombarded with many different truths today. They are told that sex is safe, drugs are fun and won't hurt you, drinking too much won't do anything to you, and so on and so on. Everybody's doing it, so it must be okay. WRONG. During today's Huddle time the campers learned what real truth is, and who He is.

  • One Way

    July 07, 2004


    How many different ways can you get to FCA Camp? Planes, trains, automobiles. Those are just a few, but they come from all directions to make it on time. Once they arrive, the games begin and the coaches find each athlete has a different way of playing their sport. Each technique is similar but has its own unique way of getting things done.

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