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  • Keys to Success - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Success in Football
    • Name the two most important things in order to succeed in football as a player or team. (Impossible to answer, use as icebreaker with team….
    • What are do you as a team want to succeed in this year? I will use this time for captains to cover major goals –
    o (7 shutouts, no region losses, region champions, state playoffs etc.. Should be specific for your team..)
    • As team I remind them of the quote “if you don’t know where you are going you will likely end up somewhere else – (John Maxwell)

    Vince Lombardi – The only place success comes before hard work is in the dictionary

  • Finish Well - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Chapel – Finish Well

    1 – What does it take to finish well?
    • To finish well in today’s game…
    • To complete this season as champions?
    • To finish strongly so as to game a favorable situation in the playoffs?
    • To finish well will require a particular attitude.

    2 - This attitude is seen in the words of the Apostle Paul in Acts 20:24.
    (Read the text aloud emphasizing the first half.)
    • Background – Paul is leaving Ephesus (Turkey) and boarding a boat for Jerusalem.
    • He knows trouble and pain await him.
    • He goes anyway.

  • Discipline - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Chapel – Discipline

    1 – Today’s characteristic of Successful People and Successful Teams is
    • To achieve the success we all want, we will have to grow increasingly more disciplined.
    • To be well disciplined is to be self-controlled in all areas of one’s life.

  • Complete Players - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Chapel – Complete Players

    1 – To be a complete player one must have all parts of his or her person fully engaged in the sport and with your team.
    • The body – physical dimension - sport technique
    • The mind – mental dimension - sport strategy
    • The heart – spiritual dimension – sport passion

    2 – Jesus Christ was a complete person (read Luke 2:52).
    • Jesus developed in wisdom – mentally.
    • Jesus developed in stature – physically.
    • Jesus developed in favor with man – socially.
    • Jesus developed in favor with God – spiritually.

  • Attitudes - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Chapel – Attitudes

    1 – I’ve been very pleased with the attitudes of this team thus far.
    • Valuing the team over individualism
    • Making sacrifices rather than demands
    • Expressed on the field, between teammates, with coaches and even in the media

    2 – This reminds me of Philippians 2:3-4 (read the text aloud).
    • Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit.
    o Don’t draw attention to yourself – deflect praise to others.
    o Don’t take offense to trash talk or cheap shots – respect your team and the sport.
    o Don’t overestimate your importance – there are other players ready to step into your spot.

  • Selfless - Chapel

    October 23, 2007


    1 – Introduction – today we’ll talk about being selfless.   That’s the direct opposite of being selfish or having a “Me First” attitude.  Selfless people seek the best for others, before themselves.

    2 – Read the text – Romans 12:3-5

  • Leadership - Chapel

    October 23, 2007


    1 – Today’s characteristic of Successful People and Successful Teams is Solid Leadership.

    • Think about the best leaders across your lifetime, in your family, in your home town, from your youth.
    • Think about the leaders among your team.
    • When are they at their best?
    • How do they change situations by simply being present?
    • How do their words breathe courage into the souls of their teammates and strike fear in the hearts of their opponents?
    • This is the stuff of Solid Leadership.

  • Selfish vs. Selfless - Chapel

    October 22, 2007


    1 – Why is selflessness so important to successful teams?

    • Which would be more successful -
    • 5 on 5?
    • 1 on 5?

    2 – Here’s another angle on this question from John 12:24-25 (read the text aloud).

  • Servant Leadership - Chapel

    October 21, 2007


    1 – Today’s competition will require a tremendous amount of leadership for us to be victorious.  It will require a unique type of leadership.

    2 – This kind of leadership is best described in Mark 10:42-45 (read the text aloud).

  • #8 - StVRP - Pete Maravich, Micky Mantle, Bobby Richardson

    October 20, 2007


    This week, you’ll hear testimony of basektball great Pete Maravich, the story of Mickey Mantle’s faith conversion and 1960 World Series MVP Bobby Richardson.

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