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  • Wrong Basket

    April 12, 2004


    The highly anticipated day had come! The big event would take poise, quickness, speed, agility and craftiness. All the skills necessary for success would be needed on this day. The participants were eagerly awaiting the important word. The starter stepped to the front and with one simple word ("Go!"), and it was ON! Participants flew out of the start like cannon shots. Darting back and forth, back and forth, up and down they went! Jumping, running, diving and catching, they hurried to not be the last one to finish. The annual Easter Egg Hunt had begun!

  • Before the Rooster Crowed

    April 06, 2004


    As athletes, we train to become faster and stronger. We try to bring as much power to our sport as we can. We may engage in a weight-training program. We may go out and run. We may attend a sports camp. But even more important than our physical training, is our spiritual training.

    Consider a plain, ordinary light bulb. How much power does it put out? On its own, it puts out absolutely none. It has to be hooked to a power source.

  • C'mon, Blue!

    April 02, 2004


    I love baseball! It is an individual sport that relies on a team for a successful outcome. It also is the only sport where, during a stoppage in play, a manager/coach can approach an umpire to dispute a rule or argue the umpire's judgment on a call. We all have seen the highlights of a manager throwing a tantrum, kicking dirt on the plate or verbally abusing an umpire. But we also have seen the umpire retaliating in anger and, in some cases, losing control. It's hard to have someone yell at you or challenge your character in any setting, but especially in front of peers and spectators. How are they to respond?

  • Fresh Start

    April 01, 2004


    John Lucas sat at home and watched the Final Four and then watched his program at Baylor fall apart right before his eyes. Shortly after — due to a special NCAA ruling — Lucas got the chance to transfer and play immediately. He chose Oklahoma State, finished as a 3rd team All-American and now is preparing his game for the finals this weekend. Lucas got what we all desire at times … a fresh start.

  • Priceless

    March 31, 2004


    Season tickets for your team: $100
    Hot dogs and sodas for the game: $20
    Game programs: $10
    Watching your team kick a last-second field goal: Priceless

    FCA Bible: $8
    Team FCA Kit: $25
    FCA Camp: $335
    Leading a student-athlete to the Lord: Priceless

    Noah's Ark: Many trips to Home Depot for gopher wood
    Prodigal son’s share: Half of Dad's estate
    Selling out our Savior: 30 pieces of silver (like Judas) or our daily denial (like Peter)
    Grace and forgiveness from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Priceless

    Satan's promise: Everything you desire
    Society's pleasure: Instant gratification for the moment
    Sin's price: Death
    Savior's purpose and plan: Eternity with HIM!

  • No Hurry

    March 30, 2004


    When NASCAR drivers head to Bristol Motor Speedway in Tennessee, they know that they will need an extra dose of patience. Going into the 2004 Food City 500, Kurt Busch, looking to win his third consecutive race at Bristol, said, "There's no real reason to get in a hurry at all." Easy to say until you find yourself going 140 mph on the short half-mile track with forty-two other cars. Busch seems to know a little about winning there, holding off Rusty Wallace for his third win in a row and fourth of the last five races at Bristol.

  • March Madness

    March 29, 2004


    Basketball in March — it's really good. I was thinking yesterday about what drives us to "madness" in March. I'll tell you the secret (hardly) … it's because everything is on the line. From high school playoffs to the NCAA Tournament, it's "do or die" for every team. Win and move on — lose and be done. The season is at stake with no second chances. This inescapable fact loads every game weight and consequence. Everyone gives it all they've got, lest it be their last chance.

  • Proper Preparation

    March 24, 2004


    How do you prepare for a game? For a season? For a test? Do you spend time making a game plan that will work, or do you just hope for the best? Watching teams play over the years in many different sports, you begin to wonder. You see some teams work their plans to perfection, and you wonder if others just roll the balls out in practice while the coach takes a nap. Now, we know that never happens, but in preparing for a contest or upcoming season, much time is devoted to the details it takes to make sure you are ready to compete. Then it comes — the final day before the games begin. Will the team be able to put into practice what they worked so hard at perfecting? Physically they may be ready, but what about mentally, or better yet, spiritually? Spiritually prepared?

  • Intimidation

    March 23, 2004


    The intimidation tactics employed by the University of Cincinnati men's basketball team backfired on them against Illinois in the 2nd round of the 2004 NCAA tournament. During warm-ups, Bearcat players warned the Illini to get ready for a bus ride home after the game. Instead of intimidating Illinois, the Cincinnati trash-talking sparked the Fighting Illini onto a 92-68 thrashing. Following the game, it was the Bearcats who were boarding the bus for their trip home.

  • Conformity

    March 23, 2004


    Abby was on cloud 9. She was a freshman who had just made the varsity girls' soccer team. She played hard her freshman year, but when tryouts came her 10th grade year, she put no effort into what she was doing. She thought she was guaranteed a spot on the team. Abby got cut.

    This story can easily be paralleled with the Christian walk. So many times we become complacent and feel that since we've accepted Christ, we've done our job. It's easy to sit in FCA or our youth groups, but what really matters is how we are pushing ourselves to become better Christians. Halfway doesn't cut it with God. In Revelation 3:15-16 God tells us He'd rather us be hot or cold. We have a world to save. We can't afford to be complacent.

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