Be careful how you live - others will imitate you.
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Linger Longer
Set:“Because God has made us for Himself, our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.” – St. Augustine
We usually don’t like talking about our devotions, because we view it as personal and what works for us might not work for others. Even if we do share, others can take it as bragging or preachy! However, it is essential that we discuss not only what we are learning, but also how we are doing it. As teammates, we should encourage one another in our spiritual walks.
Since the beginning of time, love stories have been told and retold. Typically, they go something like this: Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall in love. Boy and girl get married. Boy and girl live happily ever after.
Lion Living
Set:Wicked people live life with their heads on a swivel—looking for anybody or anything that might be after them. They might even sleep with one eye open! They live restlessly and peace is a foreign object. On the outside, these people may look like they have it all together, but inside their lives are complete messes. They only know wickedness, so they suspect everybody is just like them. Hence, they run even when no one is pursuing them.
Listen Up!
Set:Hockey Chat: You may not remember Ned Harkness when you think of hockey’s greatest, but he truly was. His name is not inscribed on the Stanley Cup but it is in the Hockey Hall of Fame. He didn’t run up the scoreboard with goals but filled the hearts and minds of the players with knowledge and passion.
Listening Ears
Set:When was the last time you heard someone repeat something you said? It happened to me last night. While coaching my son's little league team, I told one of the other coaches that I thought we could win the game because we had more talent than our opponents. My son overheard my comment and, well, it got repeated a little differently than when I had said it. The next thing I knew, my son had gathered several of his teammates together and was telling them, "We will kill this team! My dad thinks they stink!"
After the proverbial, "Oops," I gathered my troops and gave them my best Lou Holtz impression. I told them that the opposing team could easily beat us if we were not careful. Eighteen runs later we walked away victorious.
Little Guys
Set:We don’t often hear of Apelles or the Christians who lived in the household of Aristobulus. Most of us read quickly past these names and never give much thought to who they were or what their role was in the church at Rome. Yet, to Paul, they were important enough to be mentioned in his letter to the Romans. This tells us that in Christ’s service, the “little guys” are as important as the “all-stars.”
Little Things
Set:One of my favorite things about John Wooden’s coaching was that he taught his players each year to put on their socks and tie their shoes properly. You’d think college-age athletes could already do this, but Wooden took nothing for granted. He paid attention to the little things which made the big things come easier for his teams over the years.
Of course, Coach Wooden wanted to teach his players a lesson: if they were going to play in his program, they had to put aside what they wanted to do and follow his plans for the team. That discipline in the small things gave his teams great results, winning ten national championships and setting an example for us of the fact that little things make the biggest difference.
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