A few days ago, I went out for a long training run. It wasn't a particularly pretty day, and I wasn't exactly looking forward to the run ahead of me. About four miles in, it started to drizzle. A mile later, it was raining. I found myself looking around realizing that I was the only one out there running in the weather. My mind started to harp on how miserable it was, how much longer I had to go, and how I could probably just take a shortcut and go home. Then I felt God speak to me.
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Training for the Rain
Set:A few days ago, I went out for a long training run. It wasn't a particularly pretty day, and I wasn't exactly looking forward to the run ahead of me. About four miles in, it started to drizzle. A mile later, it was raining. I found myself looking around realizing that I was the only one around running in the rain. My mind started to harp on how miserable it was, how much longer I had to go, and how I could probably just take a shortcut and go home. Then I felt God speak to me.
Training in Godliness
Set:I love the fact that Paul draws a comparison between physical and spiritual training. But most of us do one of two things with this passage. We either completely discount the benefits of physical training, or we miss the fact that we should actually engage in spiritual training.
Training Time
Set:“Some of my vivid images of Jerry Rice are him working out at the Pro Bowl. Here you are, after he wins the Super Bowl, he’s played in front of 500 million people. Less than a week later, he’s out there running wind sprints to play in what is our only exhibition game,’ says NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue on ESPN Classic’s SportsCentury series.Jerry Rice is arguably the best wide receiver in the history of football. Rice had a reputation for training hard. He understood the benefits of taking care of his physical body so that on the field he could perform at a level that surpassed everyone else. He understood the power of training. -
Training to Transform
Set:I recently saw my old coach whom I love and respect. He seemed even closer to Christ and his faith more vibrant than the last time I saw him. He is 67 and still desires to be transformed into the likeness of Christ. It gives me great optimism. My coach will never change. For him to change would be to stop moving forward, to stop desiring God. He knows he is on a journey, he knows where his citizenship rests.
Can we grasp how hard it is, and yet how fundamental it is to progress? Our brains, bodies, and even friends resist our transformation. Habit, routine, and a planned agenda give a sense of security. The older we get, the harder change becomes. It is much easier to transplant a sapling than a mature tree.
Every person should have a chair except one person. The chairs should be set up in a circle facing the middle. The person without the chair will start. He/she will say something true about him/herself (I am wearing a blue shirt, I have a sister, etc). If this is true for anyone else sitting in a chair, they must get out of their seat and find a new seat. The person in the middle who was just in the middle is also trying to find a seat. The last person who does not find a seat turns into the person in the middle. The tricky part is that you must move at least two (or three, depending on the size of your group) chair over. You cannot move over just one chair.
This game can last as long or as short as you want it to.
Josh Hamilton of the Texas Rangers talks about his transformation from addict to mature Christian.
- Josh was amazed by how many people come up and encourage him about what he has gone through. Why do you think this is surprising to him?
- For as many positive comments he also received as many negative ones, too. Why would people bash Hamilton for how God has transformed his life?
- Josh only gives credit to God for his life-changing transformation. Is there an area in your life that needs to be transformed? If so, what area?
- Read Romans 12:1-2. What does it mean to present your body as a living sacrifice?
- How can you not be conformed to this world today?
Set:He received the handoff, and moved towards the line. They had him cornered, pinned in the backfield for a big loss. But next thing you know, Barry Sanders wiggled his way through all the defenders for a touchdown. Left standing in his dust, the linemen had to think, "We had him trapped! There's no way he could have gotten out of that jam." More often than not, Sanders did get out of the jams, and that is what made him such a special player. A modern-day football Houdini, Sanders broke through many traps set before him and turned calamity into celebration. All it took for Sanders was a small opening.
Trapped in Sin
Jesus is standing off to the side away from the sin (can be done to “Bright Eyes” by Kim Carnes). The girl comes on stage and is trying to choose which direction to go in (the sin or Jesus). After thinking briefly, she starts toward the sin. Her caring friend comes out to try and persuade her to go toward Jesus, but the girl ignores her.
She goes over to the sin and embraces them one by one. When she is finished, she goes back to the first sin and takes his hands and starts dancing in a circle. She is smiling, but the sin has no expression. Quickly, the second sin joins hands in the circle of dancing and then the third, fourth, and fifth.
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