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  • Pursuit of Greatness

    January 13, 2004


    Every athlete is after greatness. But the pursuit is short-lived for many. One petite athlete has been in pursuit for many, many years now. Michelle Kwan won her eighth U.S. title on January 11. She has been in pursuit of greatness for more than 13 years and doesn't appear to be stopping any time soon. Her goal is the next Olympics games in 2006. She is going for more!

  • Pushing Against the Crowd

    May 01, 2008


    Last month I was in San Antonio with one of my board members working the FCA ministry events at the men’s Final Four. One night after the great FCA meeting, we were heading back to our hotel and decided to get a bite to eat at the street fair. Once we received our food and had started making our way through the crowd, we realized we were suddenly fighting a mob moving in the opposite direction. As we fought our way through, we heard a band start to play and suddenly realized why we were fighting the crowd. Rock star Kid Rock was taking the stage nearby. Everyone around us—young and old—was rushing to see and hear him, hoping he would acknowledge them. My friend Dave and I struggled to get through the crowd back to our hotel.  

  • Pushing Through (Excellence - Chapter 5)

    December 01, 2008


    When Jean Driscoll was a teenager, she had all of the same negative ideas about wheelchairs as everyone else. They were cumbersome and limiting, and using one meant the end of any shot at a normal life. And that’s exactly how she felt when, as a high school sophomore, she was forced to use one herself.

    “I thought my life was over,” Driscoll candidly says.

  • Put On Your Armor!

    February 08, 2012


    Under Armour sports performance apparel has become one of the hottest brands in sports. The company has “engineered” apparel for athletes to protect them from the cold, the heat and the turf. They even offer performance underwear! Athletes from the NFL to NASCAR—and even members of the military—wear Under Armour gear in order to protect themselves from the elements and to enhance performance. I have to admit that I rarely train without it! And my boys even wear it under their football, baseball and lacrosse equipment.

  • Put the Fire Out

    September 02, 2010


    One of the most damaging aspects of sports today doesn’t happen on the field. The media, team members, and many others all take part in this meaningless act. It is called gossip. People love to tear something or someone apart with their words. They would rather say what they heard about others than search for the truth. I have seen more teams ruined by gossip than by performance.

  • Putting in Your Time

    March 28, 2012


    As athletes, we all want to win the big game. We all want to win the championship. We all want to hang a banner on the wall of the gym. But when it comes to being champions of a different kind—champions for Christ—only those of us who truly understand and “get” Exodus 14:14 have the chance to do that.

  • Qualified to Coach

    October 02, 2007


    Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
    Week 2

    I Timothy 1:8-14

    Read the text aloud.

    Discussion Questions:

  • Quenching the Thirst Within

    July 27, 2010


    My youngest daughter and I recently ventured out on a three-day backpacking trip. Our biggest concern was finding water on our second day. We had a water-purifying pump with us, but if we didn't find any water, the pump would be useless.

    Days before the trip, I had prayed that we would find enough water to get us through. When we made it to our camping area, we found a water hole that was 2'x1' with about eight inches of water in it. We had enough water for the evening, but we weren't sure we’d have enough for the next day. That night we were hit with a thunderstorm, and it rained through the night. The next morning, we found that our water hole had become a raging brook. We even had a hard time crossing it!

  • Questions to Ask When Responding God's Way...

    May 16, 2008


    Questions to Ask When Attempting to Respond to People and Circumstances God’s Way… A resource from Ed Gomes

    Questions to Ask When Attempting to Respond to People and Circumstances God’s Way…

    God, what are you trying to teach me through the situation?

    • Make a list…
    • Confess and apologize if necessary…
    • Offer Thanks…

    God, what are you trying to teach me about me through the situation?

  • Quick Word of Prayer

    August 23, 2013


    We say it all the time. It has become part of our lingo, and we don’t realize we are saying it. Most church meetings begin with these words: Let’s have a quick word of prayer. I believe these seven words grieve God’s heart, because He desires a lasting conversation—not lip service.

    The underlying message is, Before we get to the important stuff, let’s rush through the God stuff.” It becomes a rote habit that bypasses our heart. It helps us look spiritual, but lacks power. Connecting with God can't be rushed. God must think, “There they go again! I wish they wouldn’t think of Me as a ritual or a rabbit’s foot that they can rub for good luck before they start their meeting.”

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