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  • The Sweep

    July 02, 2007

    Last week, my mighty Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim got swept by the lowly Kansas City Royals, a team of young, no-name players who came in and shut down one of the hottest teams in baseball (at least they were before last Monday). When the Royals arrived they were 30-46 and owners of the second worst record in the majors; and at 49-27, the Angels held the second best record in the majors. To top it off, the Angels hadn't been swept at home since 2005. But it happened. It's history. It's in the record book. David slew Goliath.

  • The Sweet Spot

    April 15, 2011


    It’s called the “sweet spot.” Every batter in baseball knows where it is. They dream about the sound the bat makes when they find it. From 5-year-old T-ball players to 25-year-old Major League All-Stars, every one of them wants to find the sweet spot. But it’s not just for baseball. Have you ever seen the look on a basketball player’s face when they know their shot is going in? Watch highlights of Michael Jordan from back in the day or of LeBron James now, and you’ll see what I mean.

  • The Team and the Body

    August 20, 2010


    As coaches, we are supposed to teach our players about the game and about life lessons. Sometimes, the reverse happens and our players teach us a valuable lesson. The day before my first home football game of the season, my senior quarterback boldly stood up in front of the entire team and coaches and quoted the above Scripture.

  • The Temple

    February 28, 2005


    With the 2005 spring training underway, the biggest issue facing Major League Baseball seems to be steroids. Who has used or is using them, what should be done about it, how can it be prevented, does it affect broken records, etc.? Unfortunately, baseball isn't the only sport battling steroid problems, and steroids are not the only drugs causing problems in the world of sports. There are many harmful substances that athletes are putting into their bodies -- some for performance, some for pleasure.

  • The Temple

    June 07, 2010


    As Christians, we are told over and over again that our bodies are the temples of the Lord, meaning that our physical bodies are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. First Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV) says, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” It’s a truth that we should take seriously, and we should let it motivate us to care for our physical bodies, keeping them in good health. As athletes and coaches, we usually don’t have a problem with this since it’s part of our nature and our daily routine.

  • The Test

    June 01, 2009


    Key Verse:

    Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue, only a moment. Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy.
    Proverbs 12:19-20

  • The Test of Faith

    May 18, 2009

    Walking with God can sometimes become a puzzling and frustrating journey…if you let it. There are times when you want to ask God, “Why me?” when you are faced with adversity. But the real question should be: “Lord, what is my purpose in this trial?” If you start to wonder why God has allowed your obstacle, then you need to look back to His Word and find the answer.  

  • The Thankful Competitor

    November 28, 2013


    A Christian competitor is a thankful competitor. Every time you step onto the field of competition, your heart is exploding with thankfulness, because you are abundantly grateful for God’s blessings. You have a deep conviction that your gifts, talents and skills to play and to compete come from Him alone. You never take it for granted. Every stride, swing, shot, pass, goal and point is a response to God’s goodness. The way you compete is marked with, Thank you God, because you count all of God’s blessings in your life. You always show gratitude.

  • The Thorn

    March 19, 2004


    Paul reminds me of a great basketball player of the mid-80's who played for the Atlanta Hawks: Spud Webb. For you young athletes out there, Spud Webb is a 5' 7" man who had dreams of playing in a "Big Man's League." Did he make it? Did he ever! He was quoted as saying, "No one expected or imagined that a person of my size could win a slam dunk contest or make it into the NBA."

  • The Three D's of Devotion

    January 21, 2013


    My dad loved to engage God daily and passionately challenged others to do so as well. It had not always been that way. Eighteen years ago he was an overcommitted businessman who would squeeze in a two-minute devotion in his car before running into his office. That changed when Brad Curl saw that my dad, who was on many ministry boards, was skimming with his devotions. To get his attention, Brad grabbed my dad and said, “Ed, stop playing with God. You are a Christian leader. Start diving into God’s Word and get serious! No more giving God leftovers!” That day marked my dad. No more two-minute devos! My dad’s life transformed as he feasted on God’s Word first thing every morning.

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