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  • Obeying God's Call

    May 05, 2009

    Obeying God's Call

    It was 54 years ago this month. A young, small-college basketball coach in Oklahoma realized his dream of providing major sports stars the opportunity to influence their fans to follow the only true Hero we can ever know—Jesus Christ. It marked the official beginning of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.


    That coach, Don McClanen, was overjoyed.

  • Older. Wiser. Faster.

    May 06, 2009

    Older. Wiser. Faster.

    Her elementary school classmates used to mock her for her skinny “chicken legs” when she ran. But that all changed when she joined the track team in ninth grade.
    Allyson Felix is still listed at only 5-foot-6 and 125 pounds, but she isn’t teased by those who watch her run anymore. Not since she became the fastest woman in the world.

  • On a Mission

    May 05, 2009

    On a Mission

    The economic struggles of the United States strike Albert Pujols differently than most. After all, when you've grown up amid conditions far worse than what the average American considers difficult, it puts things in perspective. While the economic crash of the U.S. is indeed serious, if not critical, the reality remains that many countries are filled with citizens who have been battling for years to find a single daily meal.


    No, Pujols himself was never a starving child, but he wasn't wealthy. And the scenes he saw growing up in the Dominican Republic, where he lived before moving with his family to the U.S. at the age of 15, have fueled in him a passion for reaching those in need.

  • On a Mission

    January 01, 2012

    On a Mission

    It’s common for college athletes to build long-lasting relationships with their teammates and coaches—connections that last years after graduation. But for three members of the Purdue University women’s basketball program, a shared passion for FCA and international missions has drawn them even closer, helping them form spiritual bonds that will last into eternity.

  • On Leadership - Lifelong Lessons from a One Week Camp

    July 20, 2010


    The following was cultivated from an FCA Leadership Camp held at Point 11 at Table Rock Lake.
    These are simply key take away points and nuggets of truth for everyone to reflect on.

    Gospel: Leadership begins and ends with the gospel. That is that we were once separated from God by the penalty of our wrong doings. We could not earn our way to God by any amount of our own goodness so God came to us as the man Christ Jesus. As Jesus, He then died, on a cross, in our place and for our sin. In doing so, Jesus took our penalty, brought forgiveness by His death, and granted us right relationship with God by His resurrection when we rethink our actions, thoughts, and words and trust in Jesus Christ's finished work of the cross.

  • On the Record

    June 11, 2009

    On the Record

    As Jason Wright and Matt Stinchcomb fielded questions from Kevin Burrell, Atlanta FCA area representative, they tried to imagine what message their hearts would need to receive if they were the high school athletes who ultimately would view the DVD Burrell was recording.

    They tried to imagine being 17 years old. They tried to imagine worrying about what others were thinking and the paralysis that develops when your identity is lost.

  • One Race

    June 05, 2009

    One Race

    If you gave him just 30 minutes to share his vision for the Denver FCA urban ministry, you’d be captivated. And at the end of those 30 minutes — if he could speak fast enough to squeeze in his passion and strategy — you might sink slowly back into your chair, exhausted at the thought of what God has called him to do, yet energized to see his vision come to fruition.

    To Rick Parros, white and black are just the colors he sees when he opens his morning newspaper. And race is just something sprinters do when they speed to the finish line.

  • One-on-One with Kapua Torres

    June 03, 2009

    One-on-One with Kapua Torres

    It’s not difficult to see how Kapua Torres’ story is unlike that of most girls her age. A former state champion on the all-girl wrestling team at Kahuku High School in Hawaii, Torres is now one of the few female wrestlers competing at the college level. But it isn’t just the sport itself that sets her apart — it’s also her talent.

  • Ones to Watch

    May 06, 2009

    Ones to Watch

    This summer, as the Olympics play out, many athletes will be giving all the glory to God. Get to know a few of them here, and then cheer them on as they compete!

  • Ones to Watch

    July 01, 2012

    Ones to Watch

    This summer, thousands of world-class athletes will descend upon London to represent their countries at the Olympic Games. Among them will be a group of believers who will also be representing Jesus Christ as they square off in competition. some of these Christian athletes shared what it means to compete for Christ on the world’s greatest athletic stage.

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