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  • Fast Food & Kids

    August 21, 2009


    With an epidemic of obesity on our hands, we can choose better than fast food.

  • Fast Food - The British Way!

    July 11, 2008


    What can the Brits teach us about Fast Food? At least a thing or two!

  • Fast Food Beliefs

    March 23, 2013


    Every time I hear about a coach who has been fired after a year or two at a school, it breaks my heart. I once told an athletic director that it would take four years to turn a program around to contend for a league championship. That was not what he wanted to hear, so I did not get the job.

    In our society we want everything right now. Actually, we wanted it yesterday. A great example is in the fact that we actually drive through places to get our food. At most fast food places they don’t even hold the cup to fill your drink anymore; they put it on a belt, it goes under a fountain, they push a button, and the drink comes out. I suppose it’s faster. I’m not sure it’s better, but it’s faster.

  • Fast Food Nation

    August 18, 2009


    Do you think you could fast from Fast Food for just 30 days?

  • Fast Food Trap

    October 19, 2009


    The closer you get to the fast food door, the more likely you’ll indulge…and gain weight.

  • Fatherless

    March 23, 2010


    Is it possible that one man could have changed Mike Tyson’s problem-filled boxing career? Tyson believes his former trainer, mentor, and legal guardian Cus D’Amato, who died before he won the title in 1986, would have changed things. Tyson said, “It would have been totally different. Cus once told me, ‘You’re the kind of person who has to get hurt to learn.’ I didn’t understand he was talking about life…in the fight of life I am a pug, a palooka [a second-rate prize fighter].”

  • FCA "Scoreboard" Campaign Ads

    April 04, 2008


    These contemporary ads are designed to stir interest in FCA and draw new athletes, coaches and donors to your local ministry.

    The “Scoreboard” ads are available in two different headline versions—Winning and Losing. These ads are also available in full page (8.5x11) and ¼ page sizes as well as color and black/white versions to meet the needs of different publications.

    Use them in:

    • Magazines
    • Newspapers
    • Athletic programs
    • Banquet programs
    • Newsletters
    • Postings/Bulletin Boards
    • Your ideas!

    Please contact us in marketing if you have questions. 

  • FCA "Touching Millions" Campaign Ads

    April 04, 2008


    These ads focus on the impact of FCA and are designed to excite athletes, coaches and donors to your local ministry to learn more.

    The “Touching Millions” ads are available in three different versions and are available in full page (8.5x11) and ¼ page sizes as well as color, black/white and grayscale versions to meet the needs of different publications.

    Use them in:
    · Magazines
    · Newspapers
    · Athletic programs
    · Banquet programs
    · Newsletters
    · Postings/Bulletin Boards
    · Your ideas!

  • FCA Bible Impact In Mississippi

    March 06, 2013


    God's Word is being used in significant ways throughout the state of Mississippi.

  • FCA Camp 2009 Ad - "Live Inside Out"

    March 19, 2009


     The new "Inside Out" themed ads for 2009 FCA Camps are now available.

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