Developed for and used originally for the 2010 REV3 Triathlon at Quassy Amusement Park, Middlebury, CT, June 4 - 6, 2010.
For source files (MS Word), contact God Bless!
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Developed for and used originally for the 2010 REV3 Triathlon at Quassy Amusement Park, Middlebury, CT, June 4 - 6, 2010.
For source files (MS Word), contact God Bless!
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Each year, FCA recognizes servant-leaders who have faithfully served Christ through FCA by inducting a select few into the ministry's Hall of Champions. This year's class is as outstanding as ever.
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes was an idea born in Don McClanen’s heart in 1947 when he was a student at what is now Oklahoma State University. He believed that athletes could use their platform of influence to present Jesus Christ to the entire culture in a powerful way. McClanen officially began FCA in 1954. The first FCA Camp was held in 1956 at Estes Park, CO with 256 athletes and coaches attending. The campus ministry began with the formation of FCA Huddles in 1966. Since then, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has expanded into the largest sports ministry in the world.
FCA Hockey presents Christian Cup VIII to be hosted in Minneapolis, Minnesota April 8-10, 2011
The Christian Cup is an adult hockey tournament that seeks to glorify Jesus Christ. In the last seven years, the Christian Cup has provided great times of fellowship, encouragement, and of course hockey.
The 2011 tournament will consist of 16-20 teams from across the U.S. and Canada. The teams will be split into three divisions: A, B and C levels in order to provide best possible player experience. Each team will be guaranteed four games, which will be held at the National Sports Complex (NSC) SuperRink in Blaine, Minn.
Book of the Bible
FCA Bible Topic