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  • Finding the Kingdom of God

    February 27, 2012


    The context of the verse above indicates a rather materialistic place. Jesus had just addressed being concerned about food, clothing and drink. The issue, though, is greater than “all these things” being added to those who seek and find the Kingdom.

  • Finding Your Quiet Place

    June 28, 2012


    The other day I had the morning off from work, so I headed out to my "quiet place." It’s a place about a half mile away from my house and is right near a pond with a beautiful landscape. I go there as often as I can because it gives me a chance to get away from the world and its distractions. No matter how many times I go there, I still can't help but marvel at how beautiful it is.

  • Finding Your Value

    June 29, 2006

    Being a soccer player and longtime fan of the sport, I get excited every four years when the World Cup roles around. This year it seems that there are more people watching the competition. One of my teachers had the game on at school during the United States' crushing loss to the Czech Republic. For the rest of the day people kept coming up to me and commenting about the team's poor performance. It bothered me to see people who had never followed the sport making such judgmental comments after watching the team play only once. I didn't think that it was fair for them to pass judgment after watching a single competition.

  • Finger Pointing

    January 15, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  We’ve seen it at every level.  From the pee-wee’s up through the professionals.  As much as skaters on the same team try to move fluently and work together, there is always some moment in some games where two guys on the same team cross paths and trip each other up.  The lack of proper communication or the way they communicated caused them to run into each other.  One misjudged the other and they both wound up in the same space and down on the ice. 

  • Finger Pointing and the Blame Game

    April 02, 2010


    As an English teacher, I instruct my students to look for symbols in literature. As a basketball coach, I often use symbols from literature to teach my players, such as in Genesis 3:11 where God asks Adam and Eve if they have eaten the forbidden fruit. Instead of telling the truth and asking for forgiveness, Adam blamed both God and Eve. When God asked Eve the same question, she blamed the snake. Since then, mankind has been pointing fingers and playing the blame game.

  • Finish Line

    November 01, 2008


    At the college that I attended, we referred to long-distance runners as “jar heads.” We figured that each day they would unscrew their heads, take out their brains, and then run an unbelievable amount of miles before returning and putting their brains back in their heads.

    I say this all in good fun, obviously. I have always admired distance runners and think that distance running is an amazing ability. When these runners race, they set their minds on finishing the race. Lap after lap they strain through sore muscles and tough conditions to finish what they started.

  • Finish the Drill

    January 04, 2013


    Several years ago when Bobby Dodd was the coach at Georgia Tech, Tech was beating Alabama by five points with only seconds remaining in the game. The coach told the quarterback to fall on the ball, but instead, he dropped back to pass. The pass was intercepted by an Alabama defensive back who was very fast. He got by everyone, but the quarterback chased him down from behind to tackle him. Tech won the game. Afterward, Coach Dodd was asked how the slow quarterback outran the fast defensive back. Coach said, “The defensive back was running for a touchdown, but the quarterback was running for his life.”

  • Finish the Race

    November 08, 2004


    For Kristin Armstrong, the 33-year-old mother of three, taking up running has helped her to heal from the pain of divorce after she and six-time Tour de France winner, Lance Armstrong, ended their marriage. Preparing for her first New York City Marathon, Kristin said, "I have great faith in God. I'll be asking Him for strength to finish and the courage to turn to Him when I can't do it by myself." She received the strength she was seeking and finished the race.

  • Finish Well - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Chapel – Finish Well

    1 – What does it take to finish well?
    • To finish well in today’s game…
    • To complete this season as champions?
    • To finish strongly so as to game a favorable situation in the playoffs?
    • To finish well will require a particular attitude.

    2 - This attitude is seen in the words of the Apostle Paul in Acts 20:24.
    (Read the text aloud emphasizing the first half.)
    • Background – Paul is leaving Ephesus (Turkey) and boarding a boat for Jerusalem.
    • He knows trouble and pain await him.
    • He goes anyway.

  • Finish What You Started

    October 26, 2006

    As we stood at the starting line for this year's Chicago Marathon, every runner knew that the day would be vastly different than other autumn days. Not only did we need to run the 26.2 miles ahead of us, but we would need to do so while the temperature was expected to be in the 80's with high humidity. It would truly be a test of endurance.

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