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  • Fit 4 Ever: Is Creatine Safe?

    June 11, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Is Creatine Safe?

    In last month’s article we opened up a discussion about the safety of over-the-counter (OTC) supplements. This month we will focus on one of the most popular and high-profile supplements: creatine.

    The use of creatine by athletes at the professional and amateur levels has skyrocketed in the last 10 years. Sales of creatine products have grown from $30 million in 1995 to nearly $500 million in 2005.

  • Fit 4 Ever: It's Time to Train

    May 08, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: It's Time to Train

    My favorite scenes from the Rocky movies are the training scenes. They are vintage Stallone — the intensity, the discipline, the passion! I have vivid images of him punishing a side of beef, trudging through the heavy snows of Siberia and running mile after mile before the sun rises. Even though the outcomes of these fights were decided in the scripts, real-life outcomes are often determined by how we train and how we get ready for the inevitable storms of life.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Mind Games

    June 04, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Mind Games

    Yogi Berra once said, “Baseball is 90 percent mental, and the other half is physical.” While Yogi’s math might be a little off, he is right on target with the importance of training the mind.

    Unfortunately, American culture has created weak-minded, undisciplined, unfocused people. We think multi-tasking makes us more productive, but it destroys concentration.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Mindless Eating

    May 08, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Mindless Eating

    Believe it or not, 75 percent of Americans will be overweight by the year 2015. Seventy-five percent! And more than 40 percent will be considered obese. Further estimations reveal that 24 percent of American children and adolescents will be overweight or obese—an alarming trend with far-reaching health implications.

    While there are many reasons for this growing public health crisis, it seems that pointless eating is one of the main culprits.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Nutrition and Training

    June 08, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Nutrition and Training

    Preparation is one of the most important aspects of our spiritual lives. In fact, knowing how you will respond when faced with various situations or temptations will often determine your ability to stand firm in your faith.

    Preparation is also one of the most important aspects of training for competition on the athletic field. The quality of our nutrition before practice or training can have a profound effect on our ability to get the most out of our workouts and get ready for competition.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Nutrition God's Way

    June 05, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Nutrition God's Way

    I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Rex Russell, author of What the Bible Says About Healthy Living. Dr. Russell has personally experienced the FCA ministry in many ways since his first encounter in 1959 at an FCA conference. At that conference, the theme was “Be a Witness,” and it encouraged those in attendance to use everything in their lives to testify to God’s grace. That conference changed the way Russell approached sports and life.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Proper Hydration

    June 05, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Proper Hydration

    It should come as no surprise that Jesus knows how important water is to life; that’s the way He designed it. And in this Scripture, Jesus tells the Samaritan woman everything she needs to find salvation. Living water represents eternal life. Jesus has it, you must ask Him for it, and it is a gift to be received.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Put God's Design to the Test!

    May 21, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Put God's Design to the Test!

    In America, we believe that we can make everything better. In fact, we relentlessly pursue improvement. And this can often be a good thing! It can make us examine our hearts and actions and get right with God and others. It can bring new advances in medicine, travel, industry and the environment. It can even help us discover and understand God in new and deeper ways.

    But many times our efforts to improve on God’s design give us a far inferior result.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Put Your Health to the Test

    May 08, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Put Your Health to the Test

    “It makes me feel good that FCA cares about it’s people!”

    That was a common statement after a week of clinical exercise testing at the FCA World Headquarters in November. This effort, led by the FCA Health & Fitness Ministry, was designed to help our FCA team improve its health so that everyone involved could have the strength and energy necessary to perform at the highest level. FCA President Les Steckel put it best: “We believe that our initiative to serve our people on the front-edge of ministry will define us as an organization that genuinely invests in the personal and professional development of its people.”

  • Fit 4 Ever: Reputation or Reality?

    August 03, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Reputation or Reality?

    Last year, Americans spent nearly $12 billion on cosmetic procedures to change their outward appearances. And all of that during one of the worst economic downturns our nation has ever seen.

    It absolutely amazes me what we are willing to do in order to look outwardly younger, skinnier or even happier. But the reality is that, if the inside is ugly and our hearts are troubled, nothing we do to cover it up will change our inner reality.

    While most of us may not resort to surgery to improve our appearances, we have all "put on a happy face" or said all the right things even when we were miserable on the inside. But please hear me on this: Lasting change always happens from the inside out.

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