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  • Making The Cut

    October 09, 2013


    Many of us struggle with the constant pressure to be perfect within athletics. We get caught up seeking unreliable affirmation through our performance, so when things don't go our way many times we feel discouraged.

    Tryouts are a great example. We work day in and day out to prove we ARE worthy of a spot. Summers we run sprints in the heat, nights we lift in the weight room and it feels like every second is spent honing our skills.

    All that work leads to the moment tryouts finish and we run to the gym door to see if our name is one of the few listed on the final roster. Usually making the cut is a long process that requires hard work, focus and countless hours of training. To win a spot on the roster YOU have to earn it.

  • Making Things Right When You're Wrong

    August 10, 2010

    A few months ago Andres Galarraga pitched a one-hitter for the Detroit tigers that will forever be known as the infamous “should’ve been a perfect game”.
    Umpire Jim Joyce incorrectly called batter safe when replays showed that the runner was clearly out.

  • Man of Steele

    June 03, 2009

    Man of Steele

    Far away from the adoring fans and the harassing media, the smooth-talking agents and the lure of the NBA, Alabama point guard Ronald Steele withdraws to quiet places to pray.

    A preseason All-American, the 6-foot-3, 185-pound Steele has high expectations for his junior year with the Tide. He dreams of an SEC title for his team and All-America honors for himself. He dreams of next season, too.

  • Managing Expectations

    June 05, 2008


    Think Big, but set achievable expectations!

  • March Madness

    March 29, 2004


    Basketball in March — it's really good. I was thinking yesterday about what drives us to "madness" in March. I'll tell you the secret (hardly) … it's because everything is on the line. From high school playoffs to the NCAA Tournament, it's "do or die" for every team. Win and move on — lose and be done. The season is at stake with no second chances. This inescapable fact loads every game weight and consequence. Everyone gives it all they've got, lest it be their last chance.

  • Mark and Katharyn Richt Video Study - Part IV

    October 11, 2010


    In more than two decades of marriage, University of Georgia Head Football Coach Mark Richt and his wife, Katharyn, have learned valuable lessons about three very popular things in FCA: faith, family and football. Today, we’re concluding our four-part video devotion series based on the Richts’ recent interview with FCA’s Sharing the Victory magazine.

    To access the video, click the link below to watch or download the clip. After you’ve watched the short video, take time to answer the questions below. Finish by reading the related Scripture and asking God to work in your heart as a result of what you’ve learned.


  • Mark and Katharyn Richt Video Study – Part I

    October 06, 2010


    In more than two decades of marriage, University of Georgia Head Football Coach Mark Richt and his wife, Katharyn, have learned valuable lessons about three very popular things in FCA: faith, family and football. Today, we’re starting our four-part video devotion series based on the Richts’ recent interview with FCA’s Sharing the Victory magazine.

    To access the video, click the link below to watch or download the clip. After you’ve watched the short video, take time to answer the questions below. Finish by reading the related Scripture and asking God to work in your heart as a result of what you’ve learned.


  • Mark and Katharyn Richt Video Study – Part II

    October 07, 2010


    In more than two decades of marriage, University of Georgia Head Football Coach Mark Richt and his wife, Katharyn, have learned valuable lessons about three very popular things in FCA: faith, family and football. Today, we’re continuing our four-part video devotion series based on the Richts’ recent interview with FCA’s Sharing the Victory magazine.

    To access the video, click the link below to watch or download the clip. After you’ve watched the short video, take time to answer the questions below. Finish by reading the related Scripture and asking God to work in your heart as a result of what you’ve learned.


  • Mark Johnson with Ron Brown

    April 18, 2009


    Sam Houston State head baseball coach Mark Johnson talks about how the Bible shapes his life as a motivator and coach.

  • Mark Richt

    October 01, 2010


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