Georgia FCA’s Joey Potter believes in a simple philosophy: Build a church and send a missionary, and a hundred people might come. But build a sports field and put a coach or pastor on it, and you can attract thousands.
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Mississippi Miracle
What's more impressive than Trinity University's 15-lateral play? The story of faith behind it.
Mistakes Made
Orioles Second-base man Brian Roberts confesses his steroid use and talks about how to overcome the mistakes you've made in the past.
Mistakes Made
- Brian confessed to doing steroids earlier in his career. He admitted his mistakes. How hard is it for you to admit when you are wrong or have done something wrong? Do you need to confess a mistake or sin in your life? What is it?
- He talked about spiritual mentors. Who are the spiritual mentors in your life? How are they pouring into your daily life?
- What spiritual battles are you trying to face alone?
- Read Proverbs 27:17 and Eccl. 4:12. Why is it so important to have mature spiritual relationships?
- Who has God put in you life at the right time to encourage you after you made a mistake? What did that mean to you?
- How are you handling your mistakes in life?
Mister, Do You Have a Ticket for This Seat?
Set:Have you ever been in a situation where you thought you were going to be honored, but the honor was given to someone else? Have you ever taken someone else’s seat and been asked to move? It’s embarrassing, to say the least.
Modeling Christ
Set:We, as Christians, need to model Christ and show people what life is all about. Life is not all about taking, getting, receiving, or taking advantage of opportunities that are presented to you, but life is also about helping and serving others. Jesus did some things in the course of His ministry strictly to show the disciples why He was here, what His mission was, and He said, “Let this be an example to you.” He washed their feet so they would understand what He was doing and why and what they were supposed to do as well. I think that role modeling was an important part of His ministry. Our job as Christians is to be that role model for those around us. That’s where you should get all of your satisfaction—from knowing that you have helped someone. -
Moore's Encore
What to do for an encore?
After being chosen by the Minnesota Lynx as the first overall pick in the 2011 WNBA Draft, Maya Moore’s impressive first professional season will be a hard one to top. Not only did she and the Lynx win the league championship, but Moore herself also earned an All-Star selection and the Rookie of the Year Award. It was a summer for the record books—and one Moore will never forget.
More Like Christ
Set:As the new year begins, many of us will make common resolutions to lose weight, get better grades or spend more time in the Word. As athletes and coaches, it’s a safe bet that many of us will also resolve to train harder, practice more or establish better nutrition habits. I'll be honest, some of those are mine, too, but there is one I have added to my life this year, and it’s one that I hope many others are adding, as well.
As I read my Bible and listen to worship songs, one central message keeps coming up: BECOME MORE LIKE CHRIST. God’s Word tells us over and over again to be like our Lord and to show His love to others.
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