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  • Pumping Spiritual Iron

    April 06, 2011


    As competitors, we all know that in order to better yourself on the field, it is vital that you put out the effort in practice. Whether you’re running that last sprint, focusing on the details of a jump shot, or working the finer points of your throwing motion, it is necessary that you train, and push yourself to get better.

    And just as weightlifting strengthens the body, we all need to take the time to get closer to God in order to strengthen our spirits. As Apostle Paul told Timothy, godliness has value for all things. Not just meaning value for this life, but also for the life we get to spend in heaven. (1Timothy 4:8) For that reason it is imperative that we live our lives as sacrifices, both holy and pleasing to God.

  • Punting into the Wind

    November 02, 2013


    As a coach, my faith was wavering. I watched my unpredictable punter jog onto the field, doubt washed over me with every step. I never knew what to expect. It might go 40 yards in a tight spiral, or it could be a 10-yard shank off the side of his foot. Every kick was an unpredictable adventure.

    It was late in the game and field position was critical as my team lined up in punt formation. As the punter waited for the snap from center, the unexpected happened. The gentle breeze that had been blowing all night suddenly transformed into a stiff wind. My punter handled the snap cleanly, took two steps and kicked the ball high into the air.

  • Pure and Simple

    May 05, 2009


    Men, let's take a deep look inside our minds and hearts and ask ourselves this question: Am I living a pure life?


    Sure, we tell people we are living pure lives, going to church, doing our quiet times and attending Bible studies. That has to be the model of purity, right?


    But what if we asked ourselves a more pointed question — one focusing on an area that is so easy to hide: sexual purity.

  • Purpose

    May 20, 2005


    As athletes we must know what our purpose is on our team. An offensive lineman's purpose is to protect the quarterback and make places for the running back to run. A pitcher's purpose is to not allow the opposing team to get a hit. A setter's purpose on the volleyball court is to set the ball so that another player can spike it.

    Just as athletes need to know their purpose, each coach has a specific purpose as well. An assistant coach may be in charge of one aspect of the team (i.e. an offensive coordinator). Or perhaps their job is to lead the team in pre-practice stretches. Head coaches also have a purpose. In FCA, our prayer should be that the head coach would see their purpose as molding and shaping the lives of young people.

  • Purpose in Defeat

    January 16, 2013


    As Christian athletes we sometimes fall into the trap of thinking that God is always on our team’s side. We think, Why would God not want us to have victory on the playing field? Are we not more righteous than our opponents? (For some reason I always saw the other team as the bad guys). Even more, Why would He not want us to experience victory?

    Habakkuk cried out to God for answers to questions like these. He could not understand why God would allow such evil and horrible injustice to take place in his land. God gave him an answer he couldn’t believe. God told him the Chaldeans were going to invade his land. God had purposed that the Chaldeans—a nation more evil than his own—were going to be His instrument of justice among the people of Judah.

  • Purpose in Pain

    September 15, 2009


    Pain can be an important signal as you pursue abundant health!

  • Purpose in Pain

    December 16, 2008


    Can pain be a good thing? You bet!

  • Pursue the Prize

    July 02, 2013


    All teams have one thing in common: They pursue goals. Some might pursue a state or national championship; others strive to win a single game. Athletes compete and complete their set goals through hard work and relentless pursuit.

    The Apostle Paul understood this concept. He wrote the Letter to the Philippians while stuck in a dark, smelly, dingy prison handcuffed to a guard. Many in his situation would have given up. While under arrest, Paul kept thenfaith and pursued his heavenly goals. The longing for Christ and the desire to spend eternity with Him gave Paul hope each day to strive ahead. Paul’s pursuit was not an easy task. He suffered many setbacks, but it never stopped him from pressing on toward the prize awaiting him.

  • Pursuing My Passion

    June 01, 2011

    Pursuing My Passion

    God truly does make His strength known in whatever way He sees fit—whether through point-blank pows to the face or in subtle hints. In my case, it has been both.

    When I came to Central Christian College in McPherson, Kan., God blessed me with the rare opportunity to play college baseball at a school that also helped cultivate my faith and personal ministry. It had always been a dream of mine to play baseball at the college level, but, if things had gone according to my own plan, I would have become just another face in the crowd. Thankfully, God has always put me in the place I needed to be—surrounded by the right people, challenged in appropriate times, and nurtured by His supreme love.



  • Pursuit of a Dream

    May 20, 2013


    When our son was only four, he looked his mom and me in the eyes and asked, “Do you think I’ll make the Hall of Fame?” Don’t just settle for playing in the “bigs,” bypass Little League, shoot for being one of the best!

    For most of us, the realization that we might not make it big came early. My dream was crushed when as a nine year old, after all the uniforms were handed out; I was left standing on the right-field line.

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