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  • Reaching Your Milestone

    August 09, 2007

    Several athletes reached milestones in their athletic career in the past few days. Bonds hit #756, A Rod hit #500, Tom Glavine won is 300th game, and Tiger won another tournament for the third straight year. These athletes have accomplished amazing things in their careers and will continue to break records and set new milestones until their time in their sport is finished.

  • Reaction Game

    October 12, 2009


    Form groups of 6-12 people
    Have players create events and write them down on small sheets of paper. Be sure that they don't share these ideas aloud with anyone
    Creativity is a MUST for this game :)
    Here are some examples of events:

    Being attacked by a shark while you're fishing
    Hitting a home run that wins the World Series
    Winning the lottery
    Going on a first date

    After everyone is done writing, collect all of the papers and put them in a hat.
    Whithin each group, choose 3-4 people to act for each round.
    Players will randomly draw from the hat

    Physical Activity Level: 
    Group Size: 

  • Read It and Believe It

    March 21, 2012


    How many times has a coach handed us a playbook or drawn a play diagram for us on the board? How many of us ever take our playbook home and look at it before bed just so we have an idea of what is going on? If we don’t understand the plays from the playbook, how many of us ever take the time to ask the coach about the plays and how to execute them properly? I used to be one of the guys who thought he’d learned something just by looking over his playbook.

    As Christians many of us do the same thing with our Bibles. We pick them up here and there and look for the right “play” for our situation, or we skim them over hoping that we will gain wisdom by reading without going into depth.

  • Read to Succeed

    April 18, 2009


    I remember playing football on the playground as an 8 year old. When I was quarterback, I only had one play—the “Hail Mary.” I would tell everyone, “Go long!” My friends would try to tell me they were open short, but I wouldn’t hear them. I wanted to go long on every play. Of course, going long back then was about 10 yards, maybe 15 if you had a good arm like mine. I would drop back to pass, fling the football as far as I could, and hope one of my teammates would come down with it. I thought any play that didn’t result in a touchdown was a failure. I didn’t care about field position or time of possession; I just wanted to score as fast as possible. Obviously, that wasn’t the best strategy for success.

  • Ready

    March 01, 2014


    Ready. What does it take to be ready for your season to start? It takes physical training—a lot of it. But it also takes an extensive amount of mental training. What will you do when you step up to the line or into the box? The mental part seems trivial sometimes because we mostly like to trust what we can see and feel, which is the physical part of the game. But when it comes down to the wire and the game is on the line, it’s the battle 6 inches between our ears that either says, “I’m done; I can’t,”, or “I’m strong enough. Bring it on.”

  • Ready. Set. Stop.

    May 13, 2011


    Competing is about performance. We prepare hard and we quickly learn there are two outcomes: perform or perish! As competitors, we step onto the field or court, set everything aside and perform our best! Regardless of what is going on inside, we are expected to play well. We train ourselves to not let the inside struggles affect the outside performance. We are still expected to compete at a high level.

  • Real Life

    June 05, 2009

    Real Life

    Behind the screaming fans and autographs, the televised games and SportsCenter highlights, the contracts and growing fame, the life of a WNBA player isn’t what it seems. It goes much deeper than stardom. When the adrenaline subsides, there are real challenges facing the women about which few ever read. There is loneliness from being separated from friends and family. There are insecurities about being traded or injured. There are pressures to perform and win.

  • Real Reality

    August 31, 2010


    There are many “reality” shows on television today, and nearly all of them delve into areas that are indeed outlandish. One show in particular that caught my attention involved an experienced foreign nanny who came to rescue a family who had lost control of their children. The parents were depicted as a hapless pair who were desperate and frustrated with their lives.

  • Real Strength in Joy

    April 12, 2014


    The joy of the Lord is our strength. How many times have we heard that? I feel like I say it but don’t always put my full effort into believing it.

    In this passage, Nehemiah is talking to the people about the law of God. The people are weeping because they know they have disappointed God, but I believe this response from Nehemiah shows God’s heart: “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

  • Rebel With A Cause

    January 01, 2014

    Rebel With A Cause

    Hugh Freeze has rebuilt Ole Miss football on the firm foundation of faith and family.

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