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  • The Fifth Sparrow

    February 11, 2014


    When I was in eighth grade, my world got turned upside down. My dad was a pastor, and when he got a new job, we moved from a small town where I was comfortable, had friends, and felt like I made a difference, to a little bigger town where I had to “prove myself” all over again. I greatly feared being insignificant and wanted to do anything I could to set myself apart. So, I did what I knew best: I played sports thinking that would give me the value I wanted. As it turned out, I did achieve success, but it didn’t have the lasting value I thought it would. I wound up being labeled as a show-off and dealing with an entirely different problem—all because I thought I needed to prove myself and achieve worldly significance.

  • The Final Week

    April 19, 2012


    This is the last week of regular season play for my college softball career as Saturday is Senior Day. It is easy to get caught up in the memories, emotions, and everyday battles that consume a softball player, and a Christian for that matter, on a daily basis. I can choose to look at the hard times, the practices that made me cry out in frustration, the blood, sweat, and tears of the game, or the victories that I have experienced over the years.

  • The Five C's (Teamwork - Chapter 3)

    December 16, 2012


    Over a 32-year stretch of time, Les Steckel has coached championship football at the high school, college and professional levels. As different as each of those experiences has been, there’s one philosophy he has always shared with his players. “I used to tell my players, ‘Let me take you where you can’t take yourself,’” Steckel says. “That requires a willingness to cooperate and be committed.”

  • The Five F’s

    April 09, 2013

    The Five F’s

    Hopefully at some point in our lives, we have had the blessing of receiving a powerful and lasting message from God when we least expect it. Mine happened over a series of four key events in a single year.

    January 3rd - My wonderful wife, Vickie, and I had just returned from a trip with our football team at Northern Illinois University to the International Bowl. By the end of the trip, I felt sluggish and stepped on our bathroom scale to discover I was heavier than I had ever been. It was definitely time to do something about that.

  • The Flying Scotsman

    January 31, 2014


    Known as “The Flying Scotsman,” Eric Liddell ran to victory in the 1924 Paris Olympics. He won a gold medal in the 400 meter and set a world record with his time of 47.6 seconds.

  • The Focus of the Eyes

    February 13, 2012


    So much in sports is related to the eyes. A ball is dropped because a player takes her eyes off the ball at the last minute. A batter misses the pitch because he fails to keep his eye on the ball. As a coach you’ve likely cautioned your players, “Keep your head up,” so that an athlete will look at the right thing in order to avoid injury and be most effective.

  • The Foundation

    November 02, 2010


    Matthew’s Gospel contains a sermon Jesus gave—a talk we refer to as His Sermon on the Mount. In this sermon Jesus taught about humility, love, the law of God, prayer, and how to live the Christian life. There were two aspects to this sermon that made it truly revolutionary. The first is that this sermon was preached by God incarnate, the God-man Jesus Christ. He was the living Word, preaching and teaching with authority.

  • The Four Core

    March 25, 2014


    The Final Four was and always will be one of the most exciting sporting events. Even if you are not a basketball person, it is awesome to watch March Madness as it narrows down 68 teams into four core teams. This makes me think about FCA's Four Core. Not four core teams but four core values. FCA's desire is that all our relationships will demonstrate a steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word through our values of integrity, serving, teamwork and excellence.

  • The Four FCA Ministries - Four C's

    July 18, 2007


    This PowerPoint presentation communicates the FCA Vision, Mission and Values and describes the ministries of FCA: Coaches, Campus, Camp, Community. 

  • The Future

    January 18, 2008


    Many of us accept the fact that sin surrounds us. It’s no secret that the world is corrupted and distorted. Our responsibility, however, is not necessarily to ignore sin and ignore the way that it affects us, but rather to realize the way it affects us and our spiritual walk. 

    Look back on the last few days and examine your thoughts, your actions, the words you have spoken, the television shows you have watched, the music you have listened to, and the things you have purchased. For some of us, maybe these things aren’t considered all that bad—especially by the world’s standards—but are they pleasing to the Lord? Do they edify our flesh or our spirit?

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