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  • The Larry Principle

    August 16, 2011


    Larry, at only 13 years old, impacted my life.

    At the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, we have a tradition that has occurred at every camp for more than 55 years. On the last night, we have open mic session when athletes come forward and share how camp has impacted their lives. It is always the highlight of the entire week of camp.

    I will never forget an FCA Leadership Camp I was directing several years ago when Larry got up to share at the open mic night. After a terrific week of training middle school and high school students on how to impact their campus for Christ, it was now time to hear how God had worked in their hearts towards leadership. Service projects, leadership workshops, hands-on training, inspiring speakers and powerful worship had marked the week.

  • The Laws of Running

    October 20, 2006

    As a track coach, I've gone to many coaching clinics. At once such clinic, I heard an old coach say that there were three laws of running. Now, that got my attention. I wanted to know the basics of good running and share them with my athletes. He shared these as his laws:
    1. Keep your eye on the finish line. Don't get distracted, stay focused.
    2. Don't worry about the other runners. Don't look around to see where they are or what they're doing.
    3. Don't give up, keep running. Finish the race and finish strong.

  • The Lead Blocker

    June 21, 2010


    Students of this proverb indicate the writer had more in mind than just direction and guidance when he stated that God will guide us on the right paths. If we rely on Him, God can remove obstacles that might be in our way, like a ball carrier who relies on his lead blocker to take on opposing linemen and linebackers in football.

  • The Leadership Secret

    October 01, 2013


    3 Reasons Why Competitors Need To Be Inadequate

    In an age that is obsessed with leadership, it is hard to find someone willing to talk about leadership in an authentic, transparent way – especially in the world of sports. When is the last time you heard a coach or athlete say any of the following statements?

    I don’t know.

    I think I am going to need some help.

    I have some weaknesses.

  • The Light Is Always Flashing

    February 14, 2008


    Across from the headquarters of FCA, atop a hill, is a tall communications tower. In the almost three years that I’ve worked here, I’ve glanced at this tower hundreds of times and never given it a second look. But yesterday morning I caught myself daydreaming. It was in this daydream that God taught me a beautiful lesson--one He’s been teaching me over and over again for the last several weeks.

    At the top of this tower is a flashing light. It guides air traffic and prevents aircrafts from flying into it. No matter the time, day or season, this light continues to flash, and communication continues to be broadcast.

  • The Link

    November 05, 2010


    Football players at Virginia Tech carry on a meaningful tradition. Each offensive player carries a chain link that symbolizes the teamwork they exhibit both on and off the field, as well as the responsibility each player has to work toward the success of the team.

    I have adopted this tradition at the high school at which I now coach football; however, our chain link is symbolic of several biblical principles rather than simply inspiration for team victory. We carry our chain link to every practice and game as a reminder that each player is significant, valuable, important, and dependent upon the others not only for success on the football field but in our walk with Jesus Christ.

  • The Lion’s Den and Faithfulness - Daniel Study - Chapter 7

    September 15, 2008


    Ever feel like you are in a lion’s den where hungry lions are ready to tear you limb from limb? In your den, you may have people trying to get rid of you, make you look bad, make up false accusations about your character, question your every decision, or make a mockery of your faith. If there is a job best-suited for a lion’s den, it is coaching. If anyone in the Bible can feel your pain, it is Daniel. He was in the lion’s den because he was such a good leader and others were jealous of his success. His adversaries despised his success and his God, so they formed a plot to have him eliminated.

  • The Little Things

    October 07, 2005


    One of my favorite things about John Wooden’s coaching was that he taught his players each year to put on their socks and tie their shoes properly. You’d think college-aged athletes could already do this, but Wooden took nothing for granted. He paid attention to the little things, which made the big things come more easily for his teams over the years.

    Of course, Coach Wooden wanted to teach his players a lesson: If they were going to play in his program, they had to put aside what they wanted to do and follow his plans for the team. That discipline in the small things gave his teams great results, as they won 10 national championships and set an example for the rest of us how the little things make the biggest difference.

  • The Lord Is My Portion

    April 19, 2013


    He had accepted his dream job as the head football coach in a highly successful school. He had always been successful. He won lots of games and championships in his first few years of coaching and now had just completed his first two losing seasons. He was hearing boos from the public, and his wife could barely take the unending criticism flooding from the stands about her husband.

  • The Lord's Army

    November 01, 2008


    I was at home one morning, just minding my own business, when I heard a proclamation coming from outside of my house. It was loud. It was proud. It was my four-year-old son singing at the top of his voice, “I’m in the Lord’s Army. Yes, sir!” He was sitting against the door with his light saber in hand, singing his praise to the General of the heavenly Host.

    When you play sports, you enter into battle. Sides are chosen, boundaries are drawn, and the battle begins. No matter what the sport, you choose whom you will compete for and against. This is no different from your walk with Christ.

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