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  • The Lord's Way

    February 07, 2007

    Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith were the first African American coaches to lead their teams to the Super Bowl. Even before Dungy's Colts prevailed over Smith's Bears 29-17 in Super Bowl XLI, we knew that there was a connection between these two men beyond the color of their skin. "I'm proud to be the first African American coach to win this," Dungy said during the trophy ceremony. "But again, more than anything, Lovie Smith and I are not only African-American but also Christian coaches, showing you can do it the Lord's way. We're more proud of that."

  • The Lord’s Army

    June 30, 2009


    I was getting ready this morning, minding my own business when I heard a proclamation from outside my house. It was loud. It was proud. It was my 4-year-old son singing at the top of his voice, “I’m in the Lord’s Army. Yes, sir!” He was sitting with his light saber in hand singing his praise to the General of the Heavenly Host. When we play sports, we go into battle. Sides are drawn, boundaries set, and the battle begins. No matter what the sport, we choose whom we will compete for and against. It is no different in our walk with Christ. Every day we battle against evil. We are in a war for our souls. God wants us to choose a side.

  • The Lost

    November 29, 2010

    Andrew had an interesting season. He started as the back-up quarterback, and then after four games he became the starter for four games, and then he was moved to receiver where he played the final four games as a receiver/quarterback. His team did not finish as they would have liked and missed a bowl game. During the season, the team suffered through a six-game losing streak. As each week went by with loss after loss, you could see it wearing on most of the team. But Andrew had more on his mind than worrying about the previous week's loss.

  • The Lost One

    May 10, 2004


    Wright College had a football team of 100 players. Every player knew the system, except for one. He was lost. A freshman who had never played football before, and had walked on to the team. He thought it would be fun, but he was lost. Everything seemed foreign to him. On plays, he would go one way, and everyone else another. He was always last in drills and always making his unit run for his struggles. Many players did not like this freshman, but he was still part of the team — the body. Ninety-nine players and one who was lost.

  • The Love Win

    February 14, 2012


    “Coaching is a profession of love. You can't coach people unless you love them.” - Eddie Robinson

    On June 26, 2010, thousands gathered at a memorial service to honor the life of legendary coach John Wooden who passed from this life to the next. Coach Wooden lived 99 full years. He lived well, died well and understood his eternal fate. He once said, “There is only one kind of life that truly wins, and that is the one that places faith in the hands of the Savior.”

  • The M&M Game

    November 16, 2009


    This icebreaker is a simple way to help people introduce facts about themselves.  It's very flexiable and adaptable - and (if you have a sweet tooth) delicious too!  The M&M Game goes by other names:  The Skittles Game, the Candy Game, the Color Game, among other names.

    Setup - Pour M&M's or any other multicolor candy into a bowl.  Have everyone in the group grab as much or as little as they like from the bowl.  Make sure that no one eats their candy right away.  Depending on the size of your group it might be best to break up into several smaller groups in order to have the time for everyone to share.

  • The Main Thing

    April 04, 2014


    Once while battling through some of the more stressful moments in coaching, I picked up a devotional seeking comfort. It was early in the morning, and I was hoping that the writing for that day would speak directly to my situation.

  • The Maine Thing

    May 05, 2009

    The Maine Thing

    On a recent Monday evening, 5’9” University of Maine guard Amanda Tewksbury stood before the school’s entire men’s hockey team and shared her faith in Jesus Christ. Her powerful stance belied her diminutive frame as she boldly shared about FCA, about God and about how He has worked in her life.


    “Maybe not physically, but spiritually, Amanda Tewksbury is as tough as any football player out there,” Maine FCA Area Representative Bob McClure said. “She’s not afraid of sharing her faith. As she approaches other athletes and coaches on campus, she’s not afraid to show who she is.”

  • The Man in the Sweater Vest

    September 02, 2009

    The Man in the Sweater Vest

    So, let's talk about the man in the sweater vest. What are we to make of this model of straight-laced propriety? He patrols the hallowed sidelines of the Horseshoe with the air of a great military commander, mowing down foes like Patton and his tanks. But five-star generals never go to war in V-necks and an AT&T headset. And what of the slightly tinted spectacles, neatly trimmed hair and pressed slacks? It says more "professor" than "football coach."

  • The Mark

    November 02, 2007


    "Looks like you went to the football game," noted an office associate. The unsolicited observation instantly caused the accused to wonder how in the world his office associate had known. He was right, as the football fan had gone to the local junior varsity game the night before. But how in the world had his colleague known that he'd been at the game? "How did he know where I was last night without being told?" he thought. 

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