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  • Time Out

    November 16, 2010


    When our athletes become unnerved, out of breath, and in need of a break, we know it’s time to reenergize, refocus, reward, and reassure. Something as simple as a water break helps players reenergize and get going again. They are thirsty for water, just as our thirst for God requires that we take time-outs to be reenergized by Jesus Christ.

  • Time Out

    April 29, 2013


    A personal journey with Jesus is like a football game in the sense that both require the active participation of the players. An athlete who gets in the game and competes for victory is like a Christian who seeks to demonstrate his faith with good works. James wrote, “Someone will say, ‘You have faith, and I have works.’ Show me your faith without works, and I will show you faith from my works” (Jms 2:18). Athletes who compete with all their heart make their coach proud, even if mistakes happen. A believer who walks by faith makes the Lord pleased, even if he stumbles, and God calls him a friend (Jms 2:23).

  • Time to Rebuild

    March 11, 2011


    Every once in a while you read a positive story about coaching. I particularly like examples of the coach who goes back home to his or her alma mater to rebuild a struggling program. These coaches not only have a passion for their home schools, but also a plan to put the schools back on the map. It may take time to rebuild, but for the Christian coach, it will also take something else: prayer, and a lot of it.

  • Time to Spare

    May 12, 2005


    "Come on, Coach. Just a few minutes," was the daily request of this young player. Everyday after practice he asked his coach to stick around to help him with his batting. This player's average -- even if he had 20 consecutive hits -- would never even reach the Mendoza line (.200 batting average). But he wouldn't quit. And time after time the coach would put him off. The young man was never going to play, so why should he bother?

  • Time Traps

    July 19, 2010


    “Back in ’82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile. How much you want to make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains? Yeah. If coach would've put me in fourth quarter... We'd have been state champions, no doubt. No doubt in my mind. You better believe things would have been different. I'd have gone a heartbeat. I'd be makin' millions of dollars and...livin' in a... big ol' mansion somewhere.” - Uncle Rico, “Napoleon Dynamite”

  • Time-Out

    October 07, 2005


    The time-out. What a great tool! When you realize that your athletes are becoming unnerved, out of breath and in need of a break, a time-out is a great way to stop, reenergize, refocus, reward and reassure them. Something as simple as a water break time-out to reenergize your team is all it takes to get them going again. In the same way, our “thirst” for God requires that we take time-outs in our lives in order to be reenergized by our Coach, Jesus Christ.

  • Timing is Everything

    February 01, 2007

    In sports a significant part of individual or team success depends on timing. The running of a screen play in football requires timing--the quarterback must draw the rushers toward himself, the pass must be timed so that the receiver catches it and waits for the pulling linemen to lead with blocks. In basketball the setting of a screen and the use of a screen requires teamwork, timing and discipline. Waiting for the screen to be set and for the ball to be in position before cutting can be the difference between an open shot and the defense's recovering.

  • Tips From The TOP

    December 09, 2008


    What’s it like to imitate the best of the best? Find out here!

  • Tips From The Top -

    September 11, 2008


    Healthy people think differently about their health! It is really a matter of IDENTITY!

  • Tips From The Top - 2 I’s

    September 08, 2008


    If you are pursuing excellence, identifying and implementing best practices from the best performers will help get you there!

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