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Tony Dungy with Ron Brown
Former Super Bowl champion coach Tony Dungy talks about life after retirement from the NFL.
Too Comfortable
Set:Recently, I made a pretty significant change in my life. After working for the same company for more than 11 years, I changed jobs. It was a really hard decision—one I agonized over for weeks. I wasn’t unhappy in my job, and I worked for and with some amazing people. I hadn’t even thought about leaving, but another opportunity came along and I really started thinking about possibly making a change. The old line “It’s not you; it’s me” was really true in this case.
But I realized that I’d become comfortable. Too comfortable. And not just in my job. I was too comfortable in my prayer life, in my faith walk, and in my daily Scripture study. I wasn’t challenging myself to have a deeper, closer relationship with Christ.
Too Light, Too Heavy, Just Right
Person 1: (enters the room with a bible behind his/her back and walks up to person 2) ( in a quiet voice) Hey, well i'd like to tell you about this guy who died 2000 years ago. Okay bye!!!
(sign pops up that says "Too light")
Person 1 (Yelling) Get saved!!!!!!!!!!! (hits person 2 with bible)
Person 2 No
Person 1 (Louder) Get saved!!!!!!! (again hits person 2 with bible)
Person 2 No!!!!!
Person 1 You're stupid!!!
Person 2 No I'm not!!!!!!!!!!
Person 1 don't lie. the Bible says not to lie.
Person 2 that says "holy bible"
Person 1 Inside not outside dummy!!!!
Too Much of a Good Thing?
Did you ever notice that too much of a good thing can become a very bad thing?
Top 10 - Drink Water
If you want to get old, get sick, lose your memory, and have less energy, don’t drink water!
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