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  • Bold and Beautiful

    March 19, 2010


  • Bold and Beautiful

    March 01, 2010

    Bold and Beautiful

    Really, they were just beautiful women in dresses. But the fact that they were basketball players seemed to make all the difference in the world. Last fall, when Florida State University launched its new women’s basketball Web site,, they sparked a blaze of unpredicted controversy. It seemed that the concept of women athletes in glamorous attire was a touchy subject. Radio shows received calls, FSU’s media relations phone lines lit up, and Head Coach Sue Semrau found herself facing and responding to tough questions about beauty, identity and femininity in sports.

  • Boldly Go (Integrity - Chapter 7)

    April 07, 2008


    To achieve any kind of success in life takes a certain measure of courage and boldness. This is especially true for the athlete who must believe in his or her talents and abilities enough to chase after a lofty set of goals.

    Jon Kitna is certainly no exception to that rule. As the Detroit Lions’ starting quarterback, he has come a long way, thanks mostly to an uncanny confidence in his ability—even when most others failed to recognize what the scrappy athlete had to offer. And it’s that same confidence—a confidence that he developed growing up on the unsavory east side of Tacoma, Washington—that Kitna believes has allowed him the opportunity to be a unifying force in every locker room he’s ever occupied.

  • Boldness

    August 24, 2012


    Most people don’t figure out their purpose until adulthood. But for me, everything happened when I was four years old. That’s when I started playing hockey and that’s when I began to follow Jesus. Both of my passions kicked in right away. I’m still working on my game and I’m still working on my relationship with God, but because I discovered my passions at an early age, being bold in my pursuit of those things has come naturally for me. Most importantly, however, is my passion for Jesus. That passion gives me the strength to be totally unashamed of Christ. I never want to hide my love for him. Whether it’s something I say or how I act, I have to reflect Christ. I’m not going to be afraid to say something or be afraid of people criticizing me or putting me down for my faith.

  • Born to Lead

    August 03, 2009

    Born to Lead

    Every week, it seems like a new moral or ethical shortcoming tarnishes the reputation of yet another sports superstar. There's no need to name names or the charges. Enough ink has already been used reporting the allegations.

    For better or worse, sports today provide one of the most visible platforms for modeling behavior. Yet, not everyone who stands on the pedestal wants the responsibility that comes with it. Some athletes even recoil at the idea of being a role model.

    Still, there are others who give us hope. Men like University of Florida senior quarterback Tim Tebow, who welcomes and embraces the opportunity to make a positive impact.

  • Bought at a Price

    April 02, 2014


    Many times as athletes we get caught up in the competition and forget the reason as to why we are actually competing. Many of the role models today are looked up too because they are full of pride and want to exalt themselves. However, God calls us to a higher standard and demands that we exalt Him and humble ourselves. Just as talked about in John 3:30, “He must become greater; I must become less.”

  • Bound For Glory

    May 08, 2013


    Every team sets goals before the season. They work, strive, and stretch to reach those goals, but the reality is only one team wins it all in the end. Does that mean all the other teams were failures in their seasons? Not by any means. Most teams reach their goals each season. The key is to be focused on the established team goals as players pursue each game and contest. In this way each team is bound to end their season in glory.


    February 19, 2009


    Are boundaries with your health good or bad?

  • Boundaries — For Your Own Good

    November 30, 2004


    The unruly brawl between the Indiana Pacers and Detroit Pistons made so many headlines. You know the story, so I'll spare you the details Yet, in response to the uproar, commissioner David Stern commented, "We have to make the point that there are boundaries in our games. One of our boundaries that has always been immutable is the boundary that separates the fans from the court. Players cannot lose control and move into the stands."

  • Brain Buckets

    January 28, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Brain Buckets.  The 79-80 season was when the NHL made new comers wear the head gear.  Prior to that it wasn’t thought of to be a need.  But ask anyone whose taken a wack without it how much it is needed.  It’s one of those things that we don’t really use in the game (head-butting a puck into the goal is not very effective).  But when a stick comes up to high, or our skate slips out from under us, those hockey helmets are what saves us from a potentially deadly injury.

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