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  • Bringing the Church to My Team

    January 12, 2014


    If you have played sports at any level, you’ve probably noted that certain “levels” are established quickly on teams. We’ve all been part of teams where there were good players and not-so-good players. Inevitably, we all know what happens when these levels are realized: The good players start to interact negatively with the bad players. Some of the interactions even come in the form of picking on or even bullying. I am embarrassed to say that I know all about these situations based on firsthand experience. I wish I could say I was the target, but I am guilty of dishing out the abuse to those I thought of as less talented.

  • Broken Record

    October 27, 2009


    Have we been here before?

  • Broken Window Theory

    February 27, 2009


    Can a little clutter destroy your health! The answer might surprise you!

  • Broken Windows

    November 09, 2009


    Have clutter and disrepair choked the life out of me?

  • Brotherhood

    July 27, 2012


    As a coach, one of the things I find most amazing is how great it is when a group of individuals bond in true brotherhood. I’ve been blessed to coach youth football (best sport ever—I’m just sayin’), and at the beginning of each season we give our kids homework to help them understand this kind of brotherhood.

    We break it up over the first three weeks when conditioning is hardest on the body, mind and soul. It’s during these times that players (and coaches) either start to bond and get on the same page or fall away from each other.

  • Brothers and Sisters

    December 23, 2009


    Speed skater Kristen Talbot made headlines in 1992 when she gave up her Olympic dreams to donate bone marrow to her critically ill brother. Talbot proved that she wanted to keep her brother in her life and was committed to doing everything she could to support him during his physical illness, even at the expense of the hard work and practice she had put in on the ice over the years. She demonstrated extreme personal sacrifice to benefit someone she loved.

    Often we take our brothers and sisters for granted. We do not carve out time from our schedule to spend with them. We don’t invite them to join us in activities. We don’t ask about their days or show interest in their lives.

  • Build a Healthy Family

    December 22, 2009


    There is no better place to promote a healthy lifestyle!

  • Build Up

    January 19, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Although hockey pucks are hardened by the vulcanization process in which they are made, the black biscuits are kept frozen during an NHL game to stop them from bouncing on the ice which gives better control.  Sometimes the refs swap thawed pucks out with chilled pucks during stops.  It takes a little extra attention to keep them hard but it makes for a better playing puck.

  • Building Blocks

    June 03, 2009

    Building Blocks

    Through the eyes of the world, athletic success is easily defined. It’s a simple pass-fail test that asks only one question: did you win it all? But the University of  Nebraska volleyball team sees things differently. Despite its tremendous on-court success, the Cornhuskers remain a team that has learned to go deeper than wins and losses in order to define greatness. But the lesson didn’t come at an easy price.

  • Building Spiritual Muscles

    December 27, 2009


    All athletes have experienced it. The day after a hard work out, we roll out of bed barely able to move. Aching pains shoot like firecrackers through our bodies, making us feel 100 years old. The fact is, during those hours spent in the gym, running, or at practice, we were literally pulling our muscles apart. The resistance of weights and movement caused the muscles to tear and the soreness felt is the body struggling to rebuild those fibers, stronger than before. Isn’t it crazy the pain we endure for a desired physical result—that six pack of abs and a set of pythons to make the Rock jealous? But what are we willing to suffer to be conditioned spiritually?

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