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  • Championship Fathering

    June 01, 2009

    Championship Fathering

    Carey Casey wants to start a revolution. He travels around the country, rallying and recruiting men to join him and asking them to enlist for the cause. His goal: an army of 6.5 million.

    Not to be confused with any militant operation, Casey's is more of an intimate and personal quest: changing the world one championship father at a time.

  • Change for the Better

    May 25, 2005


    In working with a college Huddle, I hear many struggles and things that the athletes are going through. The pressures of athletic competition are tough, and many athletes turn to the wrong things. They hide their struggles in various places--the internet, a bottle or other things much worse. But they need to know that there is hope!

  • Change is Good

    December 28, 2006

    I dialed a number and got the following message: "I am not available right now, but thank you for caring enough to call. I am making some changes in my life. Please leave a message after the beep. If I do not return your call, you are one of the changes."

  • Change Up

    May 09, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  “That’s how the Cup changes everything.”  This was the marketing message for 2008 year from the NHL, being repeated over and over about how everything in the game is elevated because of the quest for the Cup.  It’s gone from just playing hockey to playing for the Stanley Cup.

  • Change Your Aim - Inside Out: Part II

    June 02, 2009


    If the world’s elite athletes can be pegged with one common trait, it would likely be that each of them is driven by a heightened sense of purpose. It is purpose that establishes a secure target at which they can aim and focus all of their energy: The golfer takes aim at the hole. The sprinter takes aim at the finish line. The free throw shooter takes aim at the basket. The archer takes aim at the bulls-eye. The pitcher takes aim at the strike zone. These competitors must employ a steady hand that comes from confidence in their abilities and a keen understanding of their identity. Any variation of that confidence— leading to arrogance on one extreme or insecurity on the other extreme—can quickly blur their vision and greatly hinder their aim.

  • Change Your Do - Inside Out: Part III

    June 02, 2009


    Every sport has them—those pesky but necessary “do’s and don’ts” otherwise known as rules of the game and rules of the team. No matter how much you sacrifice and how focused you are in aiming at the goal, your competitive dreams are put at risk the moment you do something that contradicts the rules. There are no shortcuts to success as an athlete or in life. Sooner or later, it will catch up with you.


  • Change Your Mind

    September 09, 2013


    As my foot touched the line for what seemed like the 1,000th time that practice my mind sank into a deep misery. “Why are we doing this?” I thought. “My legs feel like rocks! This is torture!” Whether you’re an athlete who knows this battle or a coach who knows how frustrating it can be to motivate your players, I think we’ve all forgotten the “why” at times when enduring the hardships of athletics.

  • Change Your Sacrifice - Inside Out: Part I

    June 02, 2009


    Becoming a successful competitor requires intense dedication and sacrifice. We sacrifice our hobbies, our social life, our time, and sometimes even our bodies in order to reach our goals. As legendary NBA Hall of Fame center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar once said, “I think that the good and the great are only separated by the willingness to sacrifice.”

     1 Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. –Romans 12:1-2

  • Change Your Win - Inside Out: Part IV

    June 02, 2009


    From the little leagues to the professional ranks, success in sports is almost exclusively defined by wins and losses. Perhaps legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi summed it up best when he said, “Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.” In some respects, you could make a strong case for that belief. Winning often opens the doors to life-changing opportunity. On the other hand, the all-or-nothing attitude that is prevalent in today’s sports community has the potential to bring undeserved disappointment to those on the outside looking in.

    Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.–Romans 12:21


  • Change Your World

    November 29, 2009


    King Josiah was just eight years old when he began to change his world. Even at such a young age he decided to live in the ways of the Lord and do what was right in His eyes. I wonder if we are doing what is right in the eyes of the Lord at our age.

    God asks us to change our lives—our worlds. If we think about it, our personal lives are pretty much our world. We feel like the world is falling apart when we are having difficulties. We do have the power to change a world—our world—when we rely on Christ, “not turn[ing] to the right or to the left.” And I believe that we can have an impact on others as well when we do “what is right in the Lord’s sight.” Don’t just read it!

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