Have you ever disagreed with your coach’s game strategy or played with a teammate with whom you didn’t see eye to eye? Have you ever competed against an opponent who made you really angry? As athletes, we come into contact with a lot of people: coaches, teammates, opponents, referees, and fans; and we’re not always going to agree with them.
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Choose Obedience
Set:Football coach Vince Lombardi once said, “Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else.” That's so true. To be a winner you must make a commitment to sticking with a task and following through with it. We all want to be winners, but many things, including the many temptations to make bad choices, stand in our way. Those choices often keep potential winners on the sidelines.
Life is full of trade-offs. The bad choices you make today are the down payments on your problems tomorrow. It's all a part of living under God's law of sowing and reaping (Galatians 6:8).
Choosing a Staff with Character
Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
Week 6I Timothy 3:1-13
Read the text aloud.
Discussion Questions:
Choosing Sides
Set:When I was a kid, our neighborhood basketball court—the kind with the chain nets—was the place where everybody went to play the best basketball. During the summers, top college and high school players packed the court.
Set:I remember those games when I was a child where captains were appointed and then all waited to see who was picked by whom and when. Nobody wanted the distinction of being picked last. It was a horrible feeling, and I experienced it on a number of occasions.
How wonderful it feels to be wanted. Many times, people fall into bad relationships or immorality just because they desperately want to be wanted by someone, anyone.
Set:As I read commentary on last week’s NFL Draft, I was reminded of that special feeling we get when we are chosen for a team. Whether it is being picked for the sandlot team, making the cut for the varsity, being recruited to a college, or being drafted to a professional organization, there is always a wonderful sense of acceptance and gratitude when we “make the team.”
I remember my own experience of walking up to the coach’s door after tryouts to see if my name was on his list. I remember grinning happily when I saw my name and high-fiving friends who also had made the team. I remember feeling called, chosen, set apart for a unique purpose. I was part of the team.
Chris Klein with Ron Brown
American soccer star Chris Klein, of the L.A. Galaxy, discusses his faith in Christ.
Chris Steckel with Ron Brown
Chris Steckel, wife of FCA President Les Steckel, is filled with all kinds of wisdom. She talks about how she handled moving her family 12 different times during her husband’s coaching career. She also discusses what she learned from her mom. And she gives some great advice to young male coaches as to what to look for in a wife.
Christian Hosoi
FCA interviews professional skateboarder Christian Hosoi. Hosoi has been in pro skateboarding for over 20 years, most recently winning the 2009 X Games Legends contest.
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