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All Archive - January 2012

  • God Sighting

    January 31, 2012


    When I read the story of Moses, most of the time I think to myself, “Why are these Israelites so whiny and doubting toward God? I mean, come on! He brings plagues; He parts the Red Sea; He feeds them for 40 years…What is their problem?" Almost every time I read a new verse, I see God doing something miraculous for them that causes them to believe again for about a millisecond before they turn away again.

  • Sitting on the Sidelines

    January 30, 2012


    What does it mean to be sitting on the sidelines? It means we’re not in the game. In sports, there’s a limited amount of athletes who can be in a game at one time, and there are many reasons why certain ones have to sit out: they are injured, they aren’t starters, they’re lower on the depth chart, they don’t quite have the skills, or they’re just fans.

    But what about those times when we are healthy, skilled and highly capable enough to be in the game, but we still choose not to go in? This is rare, but it does happen. Maybe we’re afraid, not comfortable with a situation, or that we’re losing and don’t want to be blamed for it.

  • Attitudes

    January 28, 2012


    Ken Keys, Jr. once said, “A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror.”

    Well, that’s a sobering thought! When I am in a group with bad attitudes and negative thought, I am only seeing my reflection? Then I had better get some better skin care! I guess that’s called a change of attitude.

    You know, attitudes are catching. As a coach or teacher, we should always be sure to set a good attitude for our teams to catch. We should develop a habit of looking for the good in everyone.

  • Fix My Eyes

    January 27, 2012


    Sandi could tell you that your balance follows your gaze. He’d stopped his mountain bike just above a trail intersection. I was waiting for him on the trail below him and to his right. Being new to the kind of pedals that held his feet captive in metal clips, he focused on getting his left foot out before he lost all of his forward momentum. Proud of his success, he turned his gaze to the right to meet mine — and his weight followed his eyes. In slow motion he keeled over down the slope toward me, still unable to free his right foot from the pedal. He tumbled unhurt into an avalanche of late-autumn leaves, branches and his own bike.

  • A Deceitful Heart

    January 27, 2012


    These verses examine a lot of things in our lives. Will we have anxiety? Sure, but we must not let it lead to self-destruction. God knows our hearts. He knows what motivates us. Our trust must be in the Lord, not in our own abilities. We need to look to the Lord and think, Lord, how will you use me?

  • Choose

    January 24, 2012


    My oldest son Brooks was a lot like the typical student-athlete in many ways. When he was in high school he went to church, got decent grades, competed in volleyball and basketball and insisted to me that he was not a leader. As a result, he kind of hung back and let others do the leading. But let me tell you some other things about him. He was chosen team captain multiple times. He made all-league, received numerous team awards and was voted Homecoming King his senior year. Does this still sound like a regular guy? Maybe not, but Brooks thought he was.

  • Who Are You?

    January 23, 2012


    As a student-athlete in high school, the only thing that I liked about myself was my basketball ability. My self-worth was based completely on my performance on the court. Although I knew Christ, it took a lot of painful losing and poor performances for me once I got to college to realize that my self-worth was very skewed.

    After I began to read the Bible more, I realized that none of the verses showed that God loved me any less based on my performance. I did, however, find many verses based on how God viewed me as His child.

  • The Off Season

    January 23, 2012


    The goal of every coach is to have an outstanding team, but a winning team must train at all times, in season and out, even when it is inconvenient. A coach knows that training during the off season is just as important as training in season. A good team is comprised of athletes who are in shape, well trained, and in tune with the other players. Every coach knows that if a player is out of shape, hard workouts will cause injury and a severe loss for the team. That’s why there can be no slacking off between seasons. Even the best players have to practice year round.

  • Motivational Keys

    January 20, 2012


    Some athletes are motivated by challenge, others by the thrill of winning. Others still are provoked to excellence by the fear of losing. What motivates us to compete at our highest levels? How do coaches and teammates stir us to be our best? We’re certainly not all wired the same.

  • Texting God

    January 19, 2012


    Have you ever had a time in your life when you wanted to be pursued and listened to? As human beings, we naturally desire to be in relationships, to have open lines of communication with others. Have you ever wanted that with someone who didn't reciprocate?

  • Financial Integrity

    January 19, 2012


    Are you honest about your finances? Jesus spoke more about material things and how we handle them than anything else. Why? Because how we handle material things is an indicator of how much we really trust God. We all need material things to survive—money, food, water, and clothing—all of which God promises to provide for those who seek Him. People everywhere believe the more of these things they have, the happier they will be. That is just not true. In America, we have more things than any nation in history, but we are not a happy nation.

  • Practice Plans

    January 18, 2012


    As a young and inexperienced basketball coach, I was a little worried about my practices and if they would be effective. My mentor encouraged me to always make a practice plan and stick to it. My first attempts at planning were disorganized and often resulted in my practices looking more like a fire drill than a basketball practice. This complete chaos led to a junior high team that did not have a prayer of winning. After much trial and error, I have finally learned what it takes to make my practices both efficient and organized and what it takes to make my teams successful. This applies to our lives as well.

  • The Right Race?

    January 17, 2012


    The first race I ever ran was a marathon, an incredible experience my body will never forget. I learned there are four key aspects to a race, and they all relate to our spiritual life.

    We race against competition. There were thousands of runners I wanted to beat and who wanted to beat me. When we run the race for Christ, we compete against the world, the flesh, and the Devil. We race against the clock. Every mile a clock declared I was nearing the end. People say since we only go around once, live it up. Christ says since we only go around once, make it count.

    We race for a prize. I received a medal for completing the marathon. As Christians, our prize is heaven and eternity with God!

  • Our Imaginations

    January 16, 2012


    French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “The human race is governed by its imagination.” For Bonaparte, considered a military genius, imagination enabled him to conquer most of western and central Europe. As leaders of this world through our joint inheritance with Christ, we too face many seemingly insurmountable foes. Fourth and long, down by three with four seconds left on the clock, an away match against the state champion—these obstacles pale in comparison to the matchless superiority of our Lord’s power.

  • Kara Lawson Video Study – Part I

    January 14, 2012

    Kara Lawson Video Study – Part I

    It’s hard to decide what Kara Lawson is most known for.

    SEC fans remember her as the All-American from the University of Tennessee who led the Lady Vols to three Final Four appearances between 2000 and 2003. Followers of the WNBA know her as a key member of the 2005 league champion Sacramento Monarchs and now as the starting point guard for the Connecticut Sun. Still more recognize her as a member of the ESPN college basketball broadcasting team through which Lawson serves both as a studio analyst for the NCAA women’s tournament and a color commentator for men’s games. And fans of the Summer Olympics would most likely know her for the gold medal she won with Team USA in 2008.

  • The Tongue

    January 12, 2012


    I was twenty-one years old, and I had just graduated from The Ohio State University, having majored in education. I arrived as a new teacher and coach at River View high school near Warsaw, Ohio, in 1974. There I met Andy Duda, the varsity football coach. I noticed initially that he was a physically strong man, and I learned very soon that he was also spiritually strong. Any player on Andy’s team knew that we acted like men, we worked hard, and we never used profanity. Andy taught those values to his players and modeled them to everyone.

  • You owe me!

    January 11, 2012


    It appears that the sports world has been overtaken with the “somebody-owes-me-something-because-I-am-somebody” attitude. The big 10-dollar word for that attitude is “entitlement.” It is the belief that we deserve some reward or benefit because of who we are. Somehow we think everyone owes us, and that we owe nothing in return. If you watch SportsCenter, it sometimes sounds more like CrimeCenter. So many athletes think they can do anything they want—that they are above the law.

  • It's All Subjective

    January 10, 2012


    Each December, I look forward to joining my fellow track and cross country coaches from all over the state at our annual coaches’ clinic. It’s sort of a kick-start to the upcoming track season. One of the highlights is the Hall of Fame luncheon, which honors several people who have achieved great success in Missouri Track and XC over the years.

    Early in my career, I felt a sense of awe as I listened to the introductions of these inductees and wonder if I’d ever be able to achieve the things they had. The funny thing was, though, that I’d never heard of most of the recipients until I attended those luncheons. As a result, their accomplishments (however impressive) didn’t mean much to me, either.

  • Outward Appearance vs. Heart

    January 09, 2012


    The Lord corrected Samuel’s natural inclination to judge people by their outward appearance—their height, weight, and other physical features. He called Samuel to look more deeply into people’s heart, as God does.

    In the world of sports, it is easier and quicker to make judgments by what we see. Everyone who walks on to the field of competition immediately sees where the largest players are. What cannot be so easily seen is the nature of a player’s heart. Qualities like courage, perseverance, love, and loyalty cannot be observed by a glance. These are qualities of the heart and require a deeper look into the player and his values.

  • Our Highest Goal

    January 08, 2012


    As Christians, I think we sometimes feel like it is our job to make sure all of our friends, family members and teammates come to faith in Christ. We spend our days trying to do all we can to be a perfect example—saying the right things and serving in the best ways in order to make sure we can have the best possible influence. We think that doing things for God is what our complete focus should be.

    For the majority of my time in college, I didn’t have any Christian teammates on my basketball team. Because of this, I put pressure on myself to be in the Word, to go to church and to pray enough just so that I could see all of them at least start to pursue more of God in their lives. But I eventually came to realize that wasn’t God’s aim for me. Nor, is it the aim for any of us.

  • The Power of the Resurrection

    January 06, 2012


    When it comes to endurance, the power of the resurrection is necessary. As a triathlete who constantly goes through training cycles that push my limits, I often get skeptical about how far I can go or how much I can push myself. After a long race, I feel completely spent, like I’m older than the hills and will never fully recover. But given time and the fact that the body is a work of God—a miracle by all accounts—and in spite of personal human doubt, I spring back, stronger and better than before.

  • Soul Food

    January 05, 2012


    We all know that we need to eat well so our bodies will perform well on the field of competition. But how many of us know what feeds our souls? What keeps one’s soul from starvation and keeps it running? Jesus knew about “soul food.”

  • More Like Christ

    January 03, 2012


    As the new year begins, many of us will make common resolutions to lose weight, get better grades or spend more time in the Word. As athletes and coaches, it’s a safe bet that many of us will also resolve to train harder, practice more or establish better nutrition habits. I'll be honest, some of those are mine, too, but there is one I have added to my life this year, and it’s one that I hope many others are adding, as well.

    As I read my Bible and listen to worship songs, one central message keeps coming up: BECOME MORE LIKE CHRIST. God’s Word tells us over and over again to be like our Lord and to show His love to others.

  • In the Zone

    January 03, 2012

    In the Zone

    If someone walked up to you and asked, “What does it mean to play ‘in the zone’?” how would you respond? What professional athlete comes to your mind when you think about playing in the zone? As an athlete, you have certainly been in the zone at least once. To play in the zone means that you are unstoppable. You are the “go to.” You can’t miss. I think you get the point—when you are in the zone, it is an awesome experience.

    What does in the zone mean if you relate it to your spiritual life instead of your sports experience? Have you ever been in the zone spiritually? What does it take to get in the zone? Let’s dig deeper with a few questions based on Ephesians 5:1-10.

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