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  • Snowball

    June 12, 2009


    Before the session begins, provide a piece of paper and a pen for each person. Everyone gets to write down one question they have always wanted to ask. Then each person crumples up the paper into a snowball and they all proceed to have an all-out snowball fight for 30 seconds. At the end each person should have one snowball. They are to open it up and answer it according to what they believe. Then try and bring it back to the Bible. 

  • Balloon Bag Volleyball

    June 12, 2009


    Materials needed are a trash bag and a few balloons. Set up a volleyball net and form teams, but instead of using a volleyball you use the trash bag filled with balloons. Seal the end of the bag with duct tape. Basic volleyball rules apply except that a person may hit the ball up to 6 times per side, and they can’t use their hands or arms. They only use their head and feet. 

  • Autographs

    June 12, 2009


    For this activity, you need ten non-permanent, washable ink pens. Have five guys each remove one shoe and one sock. They have three minutes to collect as many female signatures as possible on the soles of their feet. You might want to limit each girl to signing the foot of only three guys. 

  • Animal Trivial

    June 12, 2009


    Give each person a copy of the following on a piece of paper and a pen. Give them a certain amount of time (three minutes or so) to find a different person for each of the “animal trivialities” listed. When they find a person, have them place their initials in the blank. If possible, try not to use an individual more than once.

    Animal Trivialities:

  • Airplane Name Game

    June 12, 2009


    After everyone puts their name on a piece of paper, each person makes a plane out of the paper and flies it into the middle of the group. Then each person chooses a plane and finds out all about the person who made it. 

  • All IN

    June 12, 2009


    When it comes to following Jesus - are you ALL IN?

  • Spiritual Muscles

    June 11, 2009


    It seems like only yesterday that I was in my high school weight room pumping weights with the music cranked.
    I have no doubt that the thousands of hours I spent in the weight room as a high school, college, and professional
    athlete paid off. As a young man I wanted not only to get big, but also to excel in my sport. Lifting weights built
    me up and strengthened me to be the best athlete I could. The muscle that I added helped me perform better and
    kept me from injury. Too bad my mom didn’t like the fact that my clothes weren’t fitting anymore.
    Paul wrote that we need to be “rooted and built up” in Christ. The Lord desires for us to develop spiritual

  • Fit 4 Ever: Steroids And Your Health

    June 11, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Steroids And Your Health

    In recent months, steroid use in sports has drawn national attention from President Bush, Congress, league presidents and players’ unions. Major League Baseball has been on the hot seat with allegations of steroid abuse by former player Jose Canseco and by testimonies from current superstars admitting the same.

  • On the Record

    June 11, 2009

    On the Record

    As Jason Wright and Matt Stinchcomb fielded questions from Kevin Burrell, Atlanta FCA area representative, they tried to imagine what message their hearts would need to receive if they were the high school athletes who ultimately would view the DVD Burrell was recording.

    They tried to imagine being 17 years old. They tried to imagine worrying about what others were thinking and the paralysis that develops when your identity is lost.

  • Nothing to Hide

    June 11, 2009

    Nothing to Hide

    Tynesha Lewis of the Charlotte Sting has been blessed. Not only is she gifted with an amazing athletic talent that she continues to use for God’s glory, but she’s also been forgiven. Now in her fifth season in the WNBA, Lewis has experienced the world’s temptations and received God’s redemptive grace along the way, through it all, learning the benefits of complete honesty.

  • Pumped!

    June 11, 2009


    Every great moment in sports has its own soundtrack — a song that fuels the emotion of the moment. Would movie goers be half as moved if they watched Rocky Balboa train for a fight without hearing “Eye of the Tiger”? Imagine any college team taking the field without the band playing the school’s fight song. As an athlete, have you ever tried to prepare mentally for the game without using music? Would fans come to the games if they had to sit in silence?

  • Fit 4 Ever: How Safe Are Your Supplements?

    June 11, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: How Safe Are Your Supplements?

    Steroid use has in many ways cast a shadow over the entire world of sports. Many fans have been left wondering whether or not anybody in big-time athletics is clean. At this stage of the game with penalties for positive drug tests escalating, an athlete would be a fool to take a chance with steroids. But the quest for glory still lures some into a reputation-destroying mistake.

  • Web Exclusive with Bill Stutz

    June 11, 2009

    Web Exclusive with Bill Stutz

    What most parents are finding out is that 70% of kids are dropping out of sports by the age of 13, and do you know why? According to Sports Illustrated it’s because the adults who are involved, particularly their own parents, have turned the playing of games into a joyless, negative experience. Shame on us! The things that I learned about life after age 13 by playing sports is extremely invaluable.

  • Enjoy the Game

    June 11, 2009

    Enjoy the Game

    According to Sports Illustrated, 70% of kids drop out of sports by the age of 13. Why? Because adults, particularly parents, have turned games into negative experiences through their behavior, criticism and constant pressure.

    FCA area rep Bill Stutz has held many roles in the sporting world. He’s been a player, a coach and an official. Now, as a sports parent, Stutz is doing what he can to reverse this trend. Prior to taking his current position with FCA, Stutz founded the organization Enjoy the Game® — an educational program designed to restore civility back to the sports environment.

  • Face 2 Face

    June 11, 2009

    Face 2 Face

    The Boston Red Sox shocked the world last fall with their first World Series victory in 86 years. As the competition for this year’s championship heats up, and the Sox prepare to make a run at another title, STV is giving you a look inside through the eyes of outfielder Trot Nixon.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Is Creatine Safe?

    June 11, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Is Creatine Safe?

    In last month’s article we opened up a discussion about the safety of over-the-counter (OTC) supplements. This month we will focus on one of the most popular and high-profile supplements: creatine.

    The use of creatine by athletes at the professional and amateur levels has skyrocketed in the last 10 years. Sales of creatine products have grown from $30 million in 1995 to nearly $500 million in 2005.

  • OW2P Study - Faith (Part 2)

    June 11, 2009


    Athletes need to realize that it must begin with faith in Jesus Christ. The Lord alone is able to forgive. They must have the wisdom to make the right decisions and have the strength to carry those decisions out. Athletes will be presented with the claims of Jesus Christ and will be challenged to make Him the Lord and Savior of their lives.

    Key Scriptures
    Hebrews 11:1-3; Hebrews 12:2-3; Galatians 2:20; James 2:17-19

    Warm Up

  • The Playbook - Get Focused Study

    June 11, 2009


    “Truth is what you make it. There’s different aspects of truth. Depending on your perspective. I think that’s true.”
    –– Phillip, 16-year-old surfer.

  • Perception vs. Reality

    June 11, 2009

    Perception vs. Reality

    The law of the land is clear that you must have a separation of church and state,” said one Florida county school board member in a recent interview with Boca Raton News. “Any religion should be practiced in homes or places of worship, not in public schools.”

    With FCA so widely accepted on high school and middle school campuses, why would a school official, or any other American, feel this way? Perhaps personal opinion and perception do not always reflect reality...

  • The Hard Road to a Dream

    June 11, 2009

    The Hard Road to a Dream

    As a kid, Allison Lambert used to hang out near the fields where her dad served as chaplain to the University of Texas football team. She observed how hard work and passion led to fulfilled dreams. But it was during her own climb to Division I volleyball that she experienced for herself the reward of perseverance.

    Allison, a 6-1 senior from Austin, Texas, plays right side for the University of North Carolina-Asheville.

  • Beyond the Game

    June 11, 2009

    Beyond the Game

    Walking through the halls of the Auburn football office, you can almost feel it. there’s something different about this athletic complex — something bigger than just sports.

    Make no mistake about it, these Tigers have the same on-the-field mission as every other football team in the country. They want to win. But unlike most other teams, their definition of a “win” isn’t restricted to a scoreboard.

  • Greatness is Within

    June 11, 2009


    Most of us measure people according to appearances - God sees the heart!

  • End of Your Rope

    June 10, 2009


    Most of us, at some time, have found ourselves at “the end or our rope” or at the end of our own strength emotionally. Maybe we were so tired at practice that we were disrespectful to a coach, a trainer, or teammate. Most of us have been let down by someone whom we look up to because they were at the end of their rope emotionally. Maybe a friend lied, or our parents left, or our coach blew up and disrespected us.

  • OW2P Study - Commitment (Part 3)

    June 10, 2009


    A commitment to be drug and alcohol free is a firm pledge, not a conditional promise. A commitment does not change because of circumstances. A commitment is a stake in the ground.

    Key Scriptures
    Romans 12:1-2; Luke 9:23; Joshua 24:15

    Warm Up

  • The Training - Get Focused Study

    June 10, 2009


    “If I had only thought ahead I wouldn’t be in this situation.”
    –– 16-year-old Steve, after losing the use of his legs from diving out of a boat after drinking

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