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Bible Study

  • Train with Wisdom

    October 02, 2007

    Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
    Week 8

    I Timothy 4:1-8

    Read the text aloud.

    Discussion Questions:

  • An Email from the Coach

    October 02, 2007


    Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
    Week 7

    I Timothy 3:14-16

    Read the text aloud.

    Discussion Questions:

  • Staff Attitudes

    October 02, 2007


    Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
    Week 5

    I Timothy 2:8-15

    Read the text aloud.

    Discussion Questions:

  • Positions of Purpose

    October 02, 2007


    Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
    Week 4

    I Timothy 2:1-7

    Read the text aloud.

    Discussion Questions:

  • Fight the Good Fight

    October 02, 2007


    Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
    Week 3

    I Timothy 1:15-20

    Read the text aloud.

    Discussion Questions:

  • Choosing a Staff with Character

    October 02, 2007


    Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
    Week 6

    I Timothy 3:1-13

    Read the text aloud.

    Discussion Questions:

  • Qualified to Coach

    October 02, 2007


    Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
    Week 2

    I Timothy 1:8-14

    Read the text aloud.

    Discussion Questions:

  • Focus on Your God

    October 02, 2007


    Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
    Week 1

    I Timothy 1:1-7

    Read the text aloud.
    Discussion Questions:

  • Taming the Tongue

    October 02, 2007


    This is an article to help a sport chaplain or sport mentor to deal with the issue of cursing and vulgar language among his/her coaches and players. It helps clarify the issues, deals with the weaknesses of various external approaches and directs the reader to consider the matters of the heart which come to light in one's speech. It also prescribes an inside-out approach to the issue.

    “What did I just say?”

  • "Glory Road" Bible Study and Guide

    July 18, 2007


    Based on the Disney film "Glory Road" (January, 2006) about coach Don Haskins and the boundary-breaking Texas Western basketball team, this 10-page Bible study and corresponding leader's guide takes readers through lessons that were addressed in the movie.

    Topics include:

    1. Recruiting Strageties
    2. Good Players Need Good Coaching
    3. Great Players Persevere
    4. .Players Don't Stand Alone
    5. All Players Triumph through Belief and Action
    6. Conclusion: Go Play to Win!

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