Hockey Chat: There are so many terrible players that we skate with. They miss the open net. They bobble the pass that was right to them. They can’t skate fast enough to make the play. And one more thing…….they are just like you and me. Give them a break when they goof and maybe they’ll cut you some slack next time it’s your man you should’ve been defending that scores or you shoot wide of the pipes. NOTE: The worst thing about wanting to be on a perfect team is that they will only take perfect players. Where would that leave you?
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Throwing the Bomb
During this past off season NFL quarterback Brett Favre found himself in the middle of a sports controversy. As the events played out regarding Farve and the personnel of the Green Bay Packers, it became apparent that Favre harbored some hurt feelings and resentment toward his former team.
Sometimes we can be offended by what someone asks us to do or by what they say to us. How are we to respond in times like these? Well, as I watched Brett Favre hurl a bomb downfield to a speeding receiver this weekend, I gained a little more understanding of what God wants us to do in these situations.
No Pressure
Over the past several months, the U.S. has become endeared to its new distance running hero, 25-year-old phenom Ryan Hall. Ever since he smoked the elite competition at the U.S. Olympic Men’s Marathon Trials in New York last November and set a new Trials record in only his second marathon ever, the running community has pinned its hopes and expectations on Hall, predicting without hesitation that he will medal this year in Beijing.
No pressure, or anything.
Proverbs 25:28
Hockey Chat: Have you ever seen a guy who looked like the puck glued was to his stick. It may have looked like it from his puck handling. Those guys frustrate every defenseman. They have such control of the puck that it’s nearly impossible to take away. A poor puck handler will leave the puck behind every time.
Are you wanting something more?
You walk through the gate, eyes cast down onto the field, bag slung over your shoulder. You mentally walk through each of your fears, again and again. A nearby ball is cascading excitedly across the wet grass, throwing beads of water onto your bare shins. You make it to the bleachers, nervous as ever, and equip your shins and feet with cleats, socks and shin-guards... What's going to happen next? A grueling tryout. Everything you do will be watched; every mistake and every success. You just hope your mistakes aren't too many.
Fed Up
Pick Me! Pick Me!
Coaches travel across the country recruiting future players. Each coach works to sell his or her school and wants the future stars to pick them. Those blue-chip recruits are in high demand, and every coach is inwardly saying, “Pick me! Pick me!” This is a great analogy for godly wisdom, as illustrated by Solomon.
In Proverbs 8, we read that “wisdom” calls out to us and pleads her case as to why we should pick her. (I’m sure that Solomon knew what he was doing when he labeled wisdom a “her,” but I won’t go there today.) Choosing wisdom is invaluable. Nothing is better. Think of the best thing you could ever want. Nope! Guaranteed it’s not better than godly wisdom.
The Whole Picture
Drew Brees Study Series - Part 2
This weekend, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees will lead his team onto the field to take on the Indianapolis Colts in Super Bowl XLIV. In a recent interview with FCA’s Sharing the Victory magazine, Brees talked about faith lessons from the field.
Today, the Daily Impact Play will feature part two of Sharing the Victory’s four-part video study series based on the interview. Click the video link below to watch the clip and then answer the questions. Finish by reading the related Scripture and asking God to work in your heart as a result of what you’ve learned.
Watch the video
Contentment in All Circumstances
During the 2003–2004 basketball season, I experienced what coaches fear most. We won only two games while losing twenty-five. Most of our games were not even close. The boys tried hard, but we were overmatched in most games. It was a difficult and humbling time. I questioned myself and my ability. About halfway through the season, as the losses mounted and the frustration and disappointment increased, I came across these verses during a study time. Suddenly, everything came back into focus.
What road will you travel?
Fourth and five, with less than a minute in the game, and Peyton Manning had one more play to make something happen. He took the snap, rolled to his right, lofted a pass to Dallas Clark and…it was dropped. The Colts will not defend their Super Bowl Champion title. Immediate disappointment set in for players, coaches and fans. There were questions asked, but not many answers.
Hockey Chat: “He was yelling pretty urgently. There’s different pitches of yell and he was screaming.” - Jarome Iginla on Sidney Crosby calling for the puck prior to scoring the game-winner in OT of the gold medal game on February 28th 2010.
Too Much of a Good Thing?
Did you ever notice that too much of a good thing can become a very bad thing?
Practice Plans
As a young and inexperienced basketball coach, I was a little worried about my practices and if they would be effective. My mentor encouraged me to always make a practice plan and stick to it. My first attempts at planning were disorganized and often resulted in my practices looking more like a fire drill than a basketball practice. This complete chaos led to a junior high team that did not have a prayer of winning. After much trial and error, I have finally learned what it takes to make my practices both efficient and organized and what it takes to make my teams successful. This applies to our lives as well.
What is my end, that I should endure?
Tiger Woods hobbled his way to his 14th major championship at the 2008 U.S. Open with a playoff win over Rocco Mediate. "It was a long week—a lot of doubt, a lot of questions going into the week—and here we are, 91 holes later," he said. Two days after the tournament it was discovered that Woods had a torn ACL and a double stress fracture in his tibia. His season was over.
Don't Get Caught Unprepared
That's My Boy
The Value of Encouragement
Anyone who has been either a player or a coach knows the value of encouragement, yet all too often we are quick to point out the mistakes and failures of others rather than their successes and the things they do well. Barnabas, whose name means “Son of Encouragement,” was a person who grasped the enormous value of blessing others with words. He came alongside believers in the midst of trials and troubles of all kinds, and he encouraged them to press on and to be all that God had called them to be.
1 Peter 5:5
Hockey Chat: On April 10th 1982, the Edmonton Oilers were proud of their 5-0 lead in late in the third period. Then the LA Kings remained humble and hard working and their efforts lifted the team to an OT victory.
The Big Serve
As the father of a high school senior who is currently faced with some difficult but exciting decisions about his future as a college student-athlete, I’ve found myself thinking a lot about how he’ll make his final decision on such an important issue.
There are many things to consider when you’re looking to find the school that represents the right fit for you. In my son’s case, he’s listed academic quality as his most important priority, but after that, things like quality of campus life, his future coach, tuition costs, etc., all come into play.
Such a Time as This
We all know the story. It has been fantasized in the minds of aspiring athletes everywhere. It has been replayed continuously on driveways and vacant lots all over the world. Whether it’s one second left on the clock, the bottom of the ninth inning, or the last ten meters of a race, somehow the unlikely hero snatches victory from the jaws of defeat and basks in the adoration of the make-believe crowd.
Impossible Is Nothing
Team Hoyt has completed 216 triathlons, 65 marathons, 718.6 milers and 81 half marathons. The team consists of a father and a son, Rick and Dick Hoyt. For 25 years, Dick (age 65) has been racing with his son Rick (age 45). People do this stuff all the time though right? What makes their story so amazing?
Rick Hoyt was born with his umbilical cord caught around his neck, causing the oxygen supply to his brain to be blocked. At eight months, Rick was labeled as a quadriplegic with cerebral palsy. Doctors told Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt that their son would never live a normal life; but they were determined to prove them wrong.
Brain Buckets
Hockey Chat: Brain Buckets. The 79-80 season was when the NHL made new comers wear the head gear. Prior to that it wasn’t thought of to be a need. But ask anyone whose taken a wack without it how much it is needed. It’s one of those things that we don’t really use in the game (head-butting a puck into the goal is not very effective). But when a stick comes up to high, or our skate slips out from under us, those hockey helmets are what saves us from a potentially deadly injury.
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