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A Warrior's Heart, Love & Passion!
Deer Valley Varsity Guard Aaron Meek created this poster to inspire his teammates and fellow athletes across the world to give back with passion and leadership! We are blessed to offer the poster as wallpaper through the FCA Resources website.
Proceeds from the poster sales support Lets Make Moves and Heart Tools. Lets Make Moves is a lockdown leadership program founded and created with his two brothers Zach and Jordan and Jordan's wife Autumn. You can connect with Aaron through the Heart Tools and Lets Make Moves facebook pages! and
Humble Champion
How many times do we see football players cross the goal line and do some sort of celebration? Either they try to bring attention to themselves through some crazy stunt, or they point to the sky in order to bring attention to someone else. In those situations, we Christians get all excited and say, “Look! They are giving God the glory.” Maybe they are, and maybe they’re not. The only person who knows for sure is the one with his finger in the air.
These days it seems like even humble acts are brought under the microscope. Even players who seem humble, or intend to be, wind up diving into pride. It’s hard to be humble when everybody around you is feeding your ego.
Give Up
Just give up. There is incredible power in giving up. In fact, it should become a daily practice for all of us. If more athletes and coaches would give up, the sports world would be better off.
OK, maybe you don’t agree with me so far. You probably think I’m crazy. But I’m not talking about giving up as in quitting. I’m talking about giving up our rights and control and surrendering them to the Lord. You see, God hates the “quitting-giving-up,” but He loves the “surrender-giving-up.” What does God truly want most from us? For us to give up our lives for the sake of His Kingdom. Our whole life, we are taught to hold on tight to what we have earned, to protect and defend what is ours and not let people take advantage of us.
Airplane Name Game
After everyone puts their name on a piece of paper, each person makes a plane out of the paper and flies it into the middle of the group. Then each person chooses a plane and finds out all about the person who made it.
The Major League Baseball season is in full swing. Already, some ballplayers have started off with extremely high batting averages, and others have started off rather slowly. Only time will tell whether those hot hitters will taper off or if the slow starters will elevate their averages as the season progresses, but either way, it is likely that at some point during the season, they all will experience a slump.
2010 Camp Powerpoint Template
This Powerpoint template includes:
- A main slide
- Four optional "text" slides (2 dark and 2 light)
- Four daily theme slides
Here are some helpful steps in working with the template.
To save the background images from the Powerpoint presentation
Honest Opinion
NFL coach-turned-analyst Herman Edwards calls it like it is. You may or may not agree with him, but you will certainly not be bored. He isn't afraid to be open and honest based on his years of experience as a player and coach, and he doesn’t beat around the bush.
Andy Pettitte - Pro Perspective Study
Andy Pettitte-New York Yankees
Pray, Pray, Pray
Key Verse: "Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Andy talks about praying at all times during his games. Is that something you do as well when you compete? Explain.
As an athlete, why is it important to pray for your testimony?
When is prayer most effective for you as an athlete/Christian? How do you pray before, during, and after your games?
Give Up or Stand Up
When I was admitted into the hospital in 2006 and, after five days of testing, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I found myself asking the question, “Why me, God? I have served You all these years, even preached Your Word as a youth pastor. Why would You allow me to get this devastating disease?”
I began to let the adversary work in my mind telling me to give up, that my life was over. I began to think that maybe I wasn’t worthy of God’s protection over my health. This tortured me for a while like a slow drip of water on my forehead. As time went by I realized that I once stood strong and healthy, and now I battle to stand. I asked myself again, “Why?”
Balloon Bust
Divide into two groups.
Form two lines.
Each person gets a balloon that's inflated.
The first person in each line is given instructions on what to do with their balloon (ex: dribble balloon to wall and back, kick ballon, balance baloon on foot, etc.).
Once they have completed the task, they return to their starting point at the front of the line and sit on their balloon until it pops. Only after it pops can the second person in line begin the assigned task that was given.
Again, after they've completed the task, they return to their place in the line, and sit on their balloon until it pops.
The first team to pop all its balloons, wins.
The Butler Way: One Day Better
The success of the Butler Bulldogs men's basketball program didn't happen overnight.
Why We Compete
In the 2011 Stanley Cup finals it should have been a night of celebration. It was a great series between two excellent teams: the Boston Bruins and Vancouver Canucks. Instead, the nation woke up the next morning to news about massive violence in Canada as a result of their team’s defeat.
What a great reminder of why we as Christians are called to bring Christ to the world of sports. It’s not called the “universal language” for nothing. Sports are a huge part of our culture, and they impact it in so many ways. Even a single game can impact an entire city like Vancouver and have results that ripple through the lives of both sports fans and bystanders.
Lay It Down for the Team
As a result of pride, athletes can easily live for their personal agenda. Pride can make players want to play more often, cause others to fall short of their talent, and lead some to take all the credit for a win. Pride prevents a team from reaching its maximum potential. Jesus laid down His agenda for us; in fact, He laid down His very life. Certainly on a much smaller scale, but true nevertheless, a team will never reach its goals unless its athletes lay down their personal agendas for the sake of the team as a whole.
Follow the Leader (Integrity - Chapter 3)
For centuries, mankind has debated this universal question: Are leaders born or are they made? In other words, do people come out of the womb with leadership skills built into their DNA? Or is it the process of life combined with the right environment and proper education and training that help people develop into leaders?
Depending on who is asked, the answer will likely be different, which most likely means that leaders arise in both ways. While some people are born with certain gifts and abilities that might give them an advantage when it comes to leadership, others are not so blessed at birth but instead work hard to overcome whatever obstacles and challenges stand in their way.
Strength on the Trail
It was my first trail race. I had run many road races, all on smoothly paved roads, but this was going to be different. The trail I would be running was notorious for its uneven terrain, rocks, downed trees, protruding roots and mud holes. Say to any trail runner, “Potowatami,” and immediately they start spewing advice.
Before the race, a running friend of mine suggested that I get a road bracelet. You know, the ones where you can have all of your emergency info engraved on a wrist band. “Great idea,” I thought. “Not only will I have my emergency info, but I can also include a Scripture verse to encourage me!”
Not sure of which verse to choose, I asked my pastor to suggest one. He immediately responded with Philippians 4:13. It was perfect!
How Firm is Your Base?
One of the most overlooked participants on a competitive cheer squad, especially when a routine is going well, is the athlete called the “base.” As a matter of fact, when a cheer squad is nailing their routine, the base will hardly be noticed at all. However, when a “flier” misses a landing or a base misses a catch, I guarantee the base will be noticed. You see, the base is the foundation; everything must be built upon and supported by a firm base.
Sin Box
One person is attracted to a box named “Sin”. He gets into it and is abandoned by his friend. Others come by one at a time, representing various worldly pursuits. Each one offers him their “god” to help him out of the sin box. None of them succeed except for the last “solid” Christian that shares Jesus with him. This is the only way to get out of the trap of sin.
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