Three weeks ago, the name Shaka Smart was not one most people would have recognized (outside of VCU nation, of course). However, Coach Smart—the head coach of NCAA men’s Final Four team Virginia Commonwealth University—is now a household name after their great run through the tournament. After the season, it’s a safe bet that Coach Smart will even be offered a number of coaching positions at larger schools. It’s just part of the situation for a once little-known coach who is now one of the hottest names in the sport today.
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The Power of Love
Bobby turned the ball over for the fourth straight possession and the coach called time-out. As Bobby came to the bench his teammates were all over him. Bobby’s response was “Where’s the love guys?” At that moment there was very little love for Bobby or anyone on the team. They allowed the distraction of the turnovers to affect their attitudes toward their teammate.
The key ingredient of any relationship is love—agape love—a love that is self-sacrificing and cares more about the person than any situation. Every gift we have been given by God needs to be exercised in this kind of love—God’s genuine love. What do we do when evil sets in or when we go off on a teammate? We need to cling to what is good.
The Path of Freedom
Los Angeles Angels All-Star Josh Hamilton’s career was initially derailed by the abuse of and addiction to drugs and alcohol. After several stints in rehab, he was still unable to escape those vices under his own power.
Josh admits that at the time, he didn’t realize how he was hurting those closest to him as his life revolved around satisfying his cravings for more. Once he hit bottom at his grandmother’s home in 2005, his heart was opened to God’s love and how much he needed Christ’s help to overcome his addictions and heal the brokenness in his life.
He's Got Your Back
It has been said that life is not a playground, but a battleground. Most battles happen in the unseen world and play out in the physical world. Knowing this, God gives us spiritual armor to be prepared for battle. Every piece of armor—the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the Spirit—protects from the front. None provide protection for our backs. In fact, we are instructed in Philippians 3 to forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead. God has our back. He gives us no armor for our backside because He has it covered. When we are right with God and confess our sins, we have nothing to fear. Proverbs 3 tells us that when we use good judgment, our sleep will be sweet.
Blue Streaks
One of my favorite childhood memories came on my eleventh birthday, March 15, 1972. I received a gift that would set me head and shoulders above everyone else in the neighborhood. It was something that would make me the envy of all my friends. I received the coolest bicycle in the world—a real “big boy” bike. I’m telling you, it was so shiny and bright. It had a white frame with a blue glitter banana seat, blue glitter handles and tassels. It did indeed make me the envy of all my friends. That bike made me the coolest kid in the neighborhood.
Is Jesus Enough?
I had the opportunity to attend a coach's forum in St. Louis while ministering at the Final Four. During the forum, a coach from an NCAA Division II school stood and shared his story. He told how his players asked him to lead pre-game prayers before games and practices and was glad to do it. His administration heard about his participation and wrote him a letter asking him to stop this immediately or he would be let go from his coaching position. He had a choice to make.
The Apostle Paul understood one thing in his ministry. Whether he lived or died, Jesus was always enough for him. As he suffered in prison, in persecution and in the loss of his health and possessions, Paul held firm to one thing -- that Jesus would sustain him. Can we say the same?
True Worship
I know a team that loves to talk the talk, but does not know how to walk the walk. They look the part, but many of them do not work for the true good of the team. Many are just in it for the status and the look, thinking that they have already arrived. Know any teams or players like that? On game day, they are dressed to the hilt. They say the right things and look the part, but when the ball is in play, you find out what they are truly made of, or how much they have really prepared for the competition.
Step Up
I will go on record and say I am not a big Terrell Owens fan. However, what he did in the Super Bowl was quite impressive and worthy of acknowledgement. Though he was hurt and his doctors discouraged him from playing, he knew he had to step up and play to help his team. He did a great job, and I am sure he played through a lot of pain. But he knew he was needed and did what he knew was the right thing for his team.
Waiting: What is it good for?
Jason is a good coach. He coached with me as one of my assistants in Oklahoma. I always knew he had a good basketball mind and that it was just a matter of time before he became a head coach. Strongly desiring a head position himself, Jason waited and waited. He took several positions to teach and coach, but yet was never named a head coach. Other friends around him were getting head coaching jobs, but not him. So, he waited.
Way of Living
I am sure we all have heard about the passing of Reggie White, the former NFL defensive great known as the "Minister of Defense." Reggie passed away on December 26, 2004, from a condition known as sarcoidosis, which affected his respiratory system during his sleep. White was one of the most respected players on and off the field. He also was known for how he preached his faith throughout his playing career.
God's Baseball Team
A Deceitful Heart
These verses examine a lot of things in our lives. Will we have anxiety? Sure, but we must not let it lead to self-destruction. God knows our hearts. He knows what motivates us. Our trust must be in the Lord, not in our own abilities. We need to look to the Lord and think, Lord, how will you use me?
One Way
How many different ways can you get to FCA Camp? Planes, trains, automobiles. Those are just a few, but they come from all directions to make it on time. Once they arrive, the games begin and the coaches find each athlete has a different way of playing their sport. Each technique is similar but has its own unique way of getting things done.
Sharing Christ
Anyone who knows sports knows that turnovers and missed opportunities, especially in the game of basketball, spell disaster. This was never more apparent than in the championship game of a recent tournament, when our starting point guard had 11 turnovers before halftime, and our team faced a 12-point deficit. The message for her was simple at halftime: “What could you do with 11 more possessions? Could you score the 12 points we need? Perhaps dish out 6 assists to overcome the deficit?”
The Power of the Resurrection
When it comes to endurance, the power of the resurrection is necessary. As a triathlete who constantly goes through training cycles that push my limits, I often get skeptical about how far I can go or how much I can push myself. After a long race, I feel completely spent, like I’m older than the hills and will never fully recover. But given time and the fact that the body is a work of God—a miracle by all accounts—and in spite of personal human doubt, I spring back, stronger and better than before.
No Knick Knocking!
Of all the silly games that I learned as a child, the one I remember best was a game some of the older kids in the neighborhood played—one that we didn’t exactly brag about to our parents. “Knick Knocking” was the practice of approaching a neighbor’s front door, knocking loudly several times, and then running away. Serious Knick Knockers would retreat to a nearby hideaway so that they could watch the unsuspecting neighbor open the door and search for a visitor. This was actually entertaining to the mischievous kids on our block!
Truly Productive
Solitude is a topic that has been on my heart for a long time. It seems like solitude and silence in the presence of God has become optional for us in today’s productivity-driven society. Because we aren’t tangibly achieving anything we can physically see, we don’t think there’s use in it. Or, that if we do take time out to sit silently before the Lord, it’s a waste of time since we’re not getting better at anything or furthering any sort of progress.
Making a Difference
I love to visit and speak at our area Huddles. Recently, after speaking at a school in Geneva, Ill., I lingered to visit with the Huddle Coaches before I left. That day, I’d spoken about making a difference by doing a radical act of kindness for a person in their building. As with all of us who share messages in front of crowds, I never know what impact my words will have on the lives of those who are listening, but being faithful to deliver the truth of God’s promises is what matters most.
Banding Together
In my four years of college basketball, one particular weekend stood out to me more than any other. My teammates and I traveled down to Cookson Hills, OK, in the school’s two vans and loaded our luggage into the house where we would be staying. When we got there, however, we realized that the family we would be staying with had been stricken with the flu. We had no choice but to stay there, as other families already had teams they were housing.
The Hay Is in The Barn
The day before last year’s Kansas City marathon, I was meeting with Chris Anderson, our National Director of FCA’s Endurance Ministry. I was fired up for the race but a bit anxious about trying to run a PR. As I was reflecting back on my training leading up to the race, I mentioned to him that I wished I’d done more long runs, more speed work, more conditioning, more everything. I was feeling the pressure. He smiled real big, leaned across the table and said, “Dan, at this point, the hay is in the barn. The race is tomorrow.
Drew Brees Study Series – Part 3
This weekend, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees will lead his team onto the field to take on the Indianapolis Colts in Super Bowl XLIV. In a recent interview with FCA’s Sharing the Victory magazine, Brees talked about faith lessons from the field.
Today, the daily Impact Play will feature part three of Sharing the Victory’s four-part video study series based on the interview. Click the video link below to watch the clip and then answer the questions. Finish by reading the related Scripture and asking God to work in your heart as a result of what you’ve learned.
Kobe Bryant said that Karl Malone was like a "big brother — a mentor," as well as a friend to him last year as he played alongside of him as part of the Los Angeles Lakers. This week, their relationship has blown up in front of the whole nation. In response to the fireworks, Charles Barkley said that these two "know better. They know to take care of these things in private and not let it out into the public."
In Matthew, Jesus says that we should approach those who have hurt us first and foremost in private — one on one. We should be honest and try to show them how they've upset us. Chances are we can work it out right then and there, as many conflicts between "brothers" are miscommunications and are readily forgiven.
We’re All Brothers
More Than Just Showing Up
After a game when one of my players did not follow my signal and steal second base, I went to talk with him: “I need second base; I don’t need a lead-off hitter to get to first. I need a lead-off hitter who can get to second. If you are telling me you can’t get to second, then I need to find another lead-off hitter.” “I’ll get you second base,” was the answer. “Good!”
Alligator Arms
As the quarterback drops back and throws, the receiver hesitantly extends his arms toward to the ball. Sensing a defensive player closing in, he’s not eager to complete the catch. His focus is more on protecting himself from the defense’s attack. In situations like this, when a receiver demonstrates partial effort in catching a ball, it can be said he has “alligator arms.” And likewise, our faith can be like having “alligator arms.” At times, we fail to take full advantage of our opportunities to grow in our relationship with Christ or share our faith with others because we are afraid of what the costs may be. We let fear of circumstances control us, because we prefer to stay safe in our “comfort zone” rather than stretching ourselves and trusting in God.
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