In a sitting position in a circle, designate one person to be “it.” Go around the circle and tap each person on the head and say “bacon” each time. When the person who's “it” says, “eggs,” that person that got tapped must get up and run in the opposite direction. When the two meet together, they must stop; shake hands and say, “Good morning. How are you?” Both continue around the circle and sit down in the empty spot bef
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Sharks and Minnows

Sharks and Minnows can be played outside or in a gym.
In the gym, you can use the baseline and mid court line of the basketball court. The boundaries are from sideline to sideline. If outside, you will need to draw or tape lines about 30-40ft apart. Have the group all stand on one of the lines (they will be the minnows).
Pick one kid to stand on the opposite line (they will be the shark. On you word, the minnows will try to run to the other line and avoid being tagged by the shark. The shark tries to tag as many minnows as they can. If a minnow is tagged, they turn into a shark for the next round.
Elbow Tag

Everyone gets a partner and hooks elbows. The pairs spread out around the designated playing area. Two individuals are chosen to be it. One will be the chaser, the other being chased. The person being chased may hook elbows with any pair at any time. The member of the pair at the opposite end of where the chase hooks is now being chased. If the chaser catches the chase, the chase spins around three times an
Extreme Pictionary

Needs: Game Leader (to tell drawers what to draw and to give a point for each correct guess); a whiteboard and markers
Fast-Paced Game:
Divide the group into 2+ teams, each with a team name. One member from each time goes up to the board, and the game leader whispers in each drawer's ear the same thing to draw.
Ready, Set, Draw! Without talking, each "artist" does his best to get his team to guess what he is drawing.
When the answer is shouted out, that round ends and the next round begins immediately! Anybody can run up to the board and start drawing for his/her team.
The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. (Optional: Award candy to the winning team.)
Keep the energy high and the music going.
Bird Hunter

One player is the “hunter” and the others are “birds.” The hunter throws a ball at the birds, who may run freely about within the boundaries determined by the players before the start of the game. When the birds are hit with the ball, they become dogs and help the hunter by recovering and throwing the ball to the hunter. The hunter is the only one that may hit the birds. The last bird to be hit becomes the hunter for the next game. HI
2-Handed Ro-sham-bo

Standard rock-paper-scissors. Except with 2 hands.
Everyone is in a circle. Your right hand plays against another person's left hand. Your left hand plays against another person's right hand.
If one of your hands loses, it's okay, because that hand is still in the game. You only get eliminated if both your hands lose.
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