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Checks and Balances (Teamwork - Chapter 7)

It’s usually a good rule of thumb to stay away from stereotypes and cultural clichés in order to avoid potentially embarrassing confrontations with the obligatory “exception to the rule.” But in Curtis Brown’s case, even he admits that a predictable portion of life in Saskatchewan—his native Canadian province—can be described in two words: farming and hockey.
Born in the small rural town of Unity, Brown grew up on a farm where he instinctively fell in line with the majority of his young friends. “What Canadians do is hockey,” Brown says. “I was probably about four when I started skating. I was just like the other kids. If you didn’t play hockey, you were definitely an outsider.”
Extreme Mind Makeover

If you want real life change you may need an extreme makeover of the way you think!
Encouragement from the Stands

This weekend Michigan State University’s men’s basketball team pulled off an upset of the UCONN Huskies to advance to tonight’s NCAA national championship game against North Carolina. Now, I don’t know if you saw the game or not, but it certainly seemed to me that there was a lot of green in the stands in support of the Spartans. With the Final Four being held in Detroit, which is only about 90 miles from MSU’s campus, it would be safe to say that the Spartans were at a great advantage. And I have no doubt that it helped them keep momentum as they went on to victory on Saturday night.
2 Timothy 4:7

Hockey Chat: There are some games that I go away from the ice not knowing the score but confident that I tried with all my heart, stayed in it through all the bumps, and skated hard until it was over. To me I felt like I had won. I did everything I could and did my best. You know those games. You go away a winner, not caring about the final score.
Sharing the Victory Radio Program

Listen to your favorite sports heroes share their lives combining sports and faith on the weekly radio program from FCA.
Ann Bowden with Ron Brown

Ann Bowden, wife of Florida State head football coach Bobby Bowden, talks very fondly of her love and support for Bobby and for her sons who have all been involved in football. She gives a very honest, vulnerable and emotional response to how she handled the tragic situation of losing a son-in-law and grandson in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Staying in the Draft

In cycling, riders will follow closely behind the cyclist in front of them to decrease the effects of wind resistance. This is called drafting. Drafting allows for faster speeds at an easier effort level. When drafting, you fix your eyes on the back tire of the cyclist in front of you. This requires you to have a great deal of trust in the rider in front of you to pick a straight line, keep a steady pace and to point out pot holes and debris on the street.
Mythbusters - Eat whatever you want!

Hey, as long as you work out, you can eat whatever you want! Right?
The Sweep

Dave Pasch with Ron Brown

Does God care who wins the Super Bowl between Pittsburgh and Arizona? Does God favor Kurt Warner more because he boldly proclaims Christ? This is a must-listen interview before you sit down to watch the Super Bowl. Ron Brown talks to Dave Pasch, the radio voice of the Arizona Cardinals.
Unrealized Dreams

It was the final game for the eighth grade I.H.M.-St. Casimir Eagles boys basketball team, one in which they could capture the league championship of the City-Wide Catholic Youth League. For the previous three seasons, this talented group of young men and their devoted coach had achieved success but had always narrowly lost in the final games of the tournament. But this year, in their final game together, their hopes were high. It seemed to be their year, and everything seemed to be lining up for the perfect ending to their basketball career.
Never Give Up

Imagine an athlete lying outside a doctor’s office for 38 years, unable to walk because both legs are broken. For nearly 4 decades he waits for his name to be called. Then some guy comes up and says, “You’re next. Do you want to get well?” My first response would be, “Duh! Why do you think I’ve been sitting here for so long?” Then I would probably say something like, “I’ve been here so long I’ve read every sports magazine published since 1970, had 13,870 cups of coffee (one a day), and watched 38 World Series. I’m still waiting for the Cubs to win. Of course I want to be healed!”
Staying Fit

Making Excuses

Commitment 101

“Commitment” is a big buzz word in sports today. Coaches are asking for commitment, players want to be committed, and schools are looking for a four-year commitment. But commitment is a word that is used very loosely today. (I personally believe that we need more athletes who are committed to their academic success before their athletic careers, but I’m old school on that one.)
When it comes to commitment, Jesus Christ wants us to be committed as well. He desires our commitment. When is the last time you said, “Lord, I am committing this to You!”
Amazing Grace

Last weekend, at FCA's "Weekend of Champions," Pastor Nick Orduna spoke to almost 600 Nebraska high school students about God's amazing grace. He explained how God's grace is marked by His goodness, mercy and never-ending love for us, even though we deserve nothing but judgment and condemnation. How are we fortunate enough to receive God's grace?
Romans 3:23-24 says that we all have fallen short of God's glory, but only by God's grace through the redemption of Jesus Christ can we be saved. It is often easy for us to lose sight of how amazing God's grace really is. We take forgiveness and mercy for granted, and don't even realize the love that God shows through His grace. Can you fully grasp the true meaning of grace?
Ben Zobrist Study Series – Part II

Tampa Bay Rays All-Star Ben Zobrist wasn’t drafted by Major League Baseball out of high school. In fact, he wasn’t even offered a baseball scholarship to play in college. Yet, after attending a skills showcase the summer after his senior year, one college coach saw potential in Zobrist and offered him a position on the team.
Now one of the brightest young infielders in the game, Zobrist has experienced a divine path to success—both on the field and off. Just before the start of the 2010 season, Zobrist sat down with FCA’s Sharing the Victory magazine to talk about that career, his family and, most importantly, his faith in Jesus Christ.
Back 2 School - Routines!

Now that the kids are back in school, it’s time to get back in the exercise routine!
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