Hockey Chat: Being a great hockey player takes a great amount of work. To reach to a level worthy of playing in the big leagues, guys persistently work at their skills. Things that were once difficult become easier with practice.
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Coaching Character
Most would agree that character is vital for success in any organization, team, or family, yet today’s news is filled with examples of bad character. Nehemiah was in the process of building a wall, but he recognized that if some character issues were not addressed, the completion of the wall would be insignificant. Rebuilding a physical wall was not all that God had called Nehemiah to do. God called Nehemiah to a much greater ministry—a ministry to the heart.
My brother Judd stopped by to visit the other night. It’s always great to see him. He is in the process of transforming his life and is now a triathlete. So far, he’s competed in two triathlons, and I’m so proud of him. While this kind of competition is not uncommon for many former athletes, Judd’s situation is a little different.
I'm Not Alright
If I...
Lately I’ve been having some “if I” moments in my life. I love the TV show “The Biggest Loser” and wonder how, if I lost some weight, my knee might not hurt as much. But then I don’t change how I eat or exercise. Then I hear my friends talking about playing hoops on Saturday mornings and think that, if I try to play, I could get back into shape again. But then I never make the effort to try. My intentions are good, but my heart is not changing. What’s the deal?
Biggest Loser - Accountability
Giving a trusted friend permission to push you helps keep you on track!
In God We Trust
The days leading up to my first Ironman triathlon were filled with excitement. Of course, there were other, less positive thoughts, too. What if I got kicked in the face during the swim? What if I crashed on my bike? What if I wasn't strong enough to make it through the run and couldn't finish? As my husband and I were walking to check my bike in the day before the race, I saw a penny on the ground and picked it up. It was then that I remembered a story that I had heard. . .
Grip, Stance, and Follow-Through
Biggest Loser - Breaking Strongholds
Sometimes the desire for food can become uncontrollable! Be set free!
Fill in the Blank
And Now . . .
Basketball fans can still hear the words, “And now, the starting lineup for your Chicago Bulls . . .” The words echoed as Pippen, Grant, Cartwright, Armstrong, and Jordan were announced. High schools and colleges still imitate these now famous words.
Impossible is Nothing! The power of unity!
Uniting with other people in your quest for a healthy life makes you unstoppable!
Relationships that last a lifetime
Good Habits (Excellence - Chapter 4)
Numbers. In sports, they often mean everything. Even the seemingly most inconsequential numbers can spell the difference between winning and losing — the difference between a gold medal and a silver medal, the difference between a championship and second place, the difference between greatness and mediocrity.
Numbers are especially important to professional athletes because things such as a league-leading scoring average or a consistent number of home runs can result in high-dollar contracts and job security.
Acts 20:24
Hockey Chat: For those of you that play or have played on league teams you know the feeling of working and hustling through the whole game but just can’t get one past the goalie. Meanwhile the other team got a couple biscuits in the basket and all your hard work still came up a loss.
Decisions, Decisions
Stick to the Plan
I love March Madness! I grew up playing basketball, continued through high school, and then cheered for my older brother throughout his college career. I coached the game for a number of years, as well. To me, nothing beats the passion, desire and determination that these collegiate men and women display during the "Big Dance." I love watching teams overcome large deficits in order to advance to the next round. Unfailingly, the commentators state again and again how poised these teams are, and I must agree. The teams that prevail are clear-headed and focused, and they stick to their coach's plan.
OLYMPICS WEEK - Stay In Your Lane!
Olympic Athletes know the road to victory is narrow! So is the road to Great Health!
If you want to enjoy great health, you must get your portions under control!
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