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Fields of Faith Promotional Cards

Using Avery Business Card Template #8371, (available at most office supply stores) you can create your own promotional cards and include your own Field information on the back.
We offer two versions, one with the national date and one without, should your Field be on a different date.
Best of all, there's no cutting.
Just print and tear apart!
Session 4: Mastering the Basics

What Are The Basic Skills For Growth?
What three basics have you mastered in your sport or your position?
What has motivated you to work on the basics? How has this helped your performance?
Bible ABC

Beforehand, you need pieces of paper, pencils and bibles (a bible,a pencil and peice of paper for each group).
- Put everyone in a group of about four or five each.
- Give each group a piece of paper, a pencil, and a bible
- Tell each group to write each letter of the alaphabet, leaving a space between each letter
- Give the groups five to ten minutes to look through the bible and find a name in the bible to start with a letter in the alphabet.
- After their time is up, collect all papers. the group with the most amount of names found wins.
Hope You Enjoy The Game!
The Whole Versus the Individual

It is hard to believe that David felt not one twinge of joy when Saul died; after all, Saul had made his life miserable for nearly twenty years. The sad truth is that neither Saul’s life nor his death glorified God. For that, David was sad, and in his lament of the bow, a song of sorrow, he chose to remember Saul’s accomplishments. David could have chosen to focus on the cruelty Saul inflicted upon him. Instead he chose to view Saul’s death from a national perspective rather than a personal one. God and Israel were David’s primary concerns, not himself, and he realized that he was merely one individual in an entire nation. It was largely this “kingdom” mentality, a teamminded approach, that allowed him to maintain proper perspective.
Too Light, Too Heavy, Just Right

Person 1: (enters the room with a bible behind his/her back and walks up to person 2) ( in a quiet voice) Hey, well i'd like to tell you about this guy who died 2000 years ago. Okay bye!!!
(sign pops up that says "Too light")
Person 1 (Yelling) Get saved!!!!!!!!!!! (hits person 2 with bible)
Person 2 No
Person 1 (Louder) Get saved!!!!!!! (again hits person 2 with bible)
Person 2 No!!!!!
Person 1 You're stupid!!!
Person 2 No I'm not!!!!!!!!!!
Person 1 don't lie. the Bible says not to lie.
Person 2 that says "holy bible"
Person 1 Inside not outside dummy!!!!
Introduction - Get Focused Study
What is “Get Focused”?
“Get Focused” is a four-part video series (each video is approximately 12 minutes) with study guides designed to help people make decisions based on the standards described in the Bible.
In George Barna’s book Think Like Jesus, he reports* that only 9% of evangelical, born-again believers have a “Biblical Worldview.” The remaining 91% make decisions based on a more “relative standard.” In other words, their decision is relative to the circumstances.
“Get Focused” is designed to help a person think through these through four different topics:
Circle of Compliments

This icebreaker can be used with a large or small group. Everyone gets a partner and sits in a circle. One of the partners sits facing the inside of the circle, while the other partner sits in front of them, facing their partner. For about 20-30 seconds each, the partners exchange what they like about the other person (it can be anything from hair to spirituality, depending on how well the partners know one another). After 30 seconds, the outer circle moves one person to the left, and begins the cycle over again.
Not only did our FCA Huddle get a lot of laughs out of what was said, the compliments made you feel great for the rest of the day.
Session 1: The Big Win

What Is Salvation All About?
What are some things that motivate you to compete? What does it mean to you when you’re successful in winning a competition?
How do you feel when you lose or fail to reach your competitive goals?
My Jesus

You need someone to play Jesus and five other characters. Jesus is standing in front with His hands at His side looking forward. He has no expression on His face.
Other Characters:
Sports Fanatic - needs to have a football, basketball, or volleyball. He/she comes in and looks at Jesus, then looks at the huddle and says, “That’s not what my Jesus looks like! My Jesus is a basketball player.” That person then bends and forms Jesus as if He were shooting a foul shot and puts the ball in Jesus’ hands. Mold Jesus into whatever sport you want. The person then says, “That’s what my Jesus looks like!” Exit.
Heart of a Coach: Rhonda Thigpen
In 2010, Henderson State University’s Rhonda Thigpen became the first volleyball coach to be inducted into the Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame. Currently entering her 20th season as the Lady Reddies’ head coach, Thigpen also serves as the University’s Senior Woman Administrator and FCA Huddle Coach.
A Good Samaritan

Watch the video, then walk through the questions below.
Key Verse: Then He will answer them, 'I assure you: Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me either. ' –Matthew 25:45
Case Keenum Video Devotion Series – Part III

After leading the nation in total offense and passing yards per game last season, University of Houston quarterback Case Keenum was all set to lead the Cougars to another great run in 2010. That all changed, however, when in just their third game Keenum suffered a season-ending knee injury that forced him to the sideline for his senior season. As a man of faith, the injury forced Keenum to rely on the Lord in new ways and to fully trust in the Lord’s ultimate plan.
Game Changer Anthem
Download this free track, based on the FCA 2011 Camp Theme, Gamechanger.
Recorded by local St. Louis rapper Alcam featuring Matt Swaringim
Produced by DeeOnTheTrack
To Save a Life - Freshman Year Study

Jake is at the funeral of Roger Dawson and recounts the last time they actually talked. After a basketball game their freshman year, Jake and Roger had made plans hang out, but Amy, pretty freshman cheerleader, invited Jake to a party instead. Jake asked if Roger could come along, but Amy said there was only room for one more in their car.
“A man with many friends may be harmed, but there is a friend who stays closer than a brother.” - Proverbs 18:24
Discussion Questions
Little Things

One of my favorite things about John Wooden’s coaching was that he taught his players each year to put on their socks and tie their shoes properly. You’d think college-age athletes could already do this, but Wooden took nothing for granted. He paid attention to the little things which made the big things come easier for his teams over the years.
Of course, Coach Wooden wanted to teach his players a lesson: if they were going to play in his program, they had to put aside what they wanted to do and follow his plans for the team. That discipline in the small things gave his teams great results, winning ten national championships and setting an example for us of the fact that little things make the biggest difference.
Fields of Faith Impact Student & Adult Manual

A leadership guide to assist students and adults in understanding, planning and preparing their own testimony for the Fields of Faith program.
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