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  • Daily Disciplines

    November 19, 2008


    Is what you are doing today preparing you for what you may face tomorrow?

  • God Is At Work

    November 18, 2008


    I so enjoy going to Huddles to share about Christ. Recently, I visited Northwestern University and spoke to their group. As I was praying and waiting to speak, a football player came in and sat down. Now, I used to attend many practices, and I had seen this player in competition. And I’m sorry to say, but I had thought only an act of God would bring this young man to the Lord. He had been a player who used foul language, seemed angry all the time and was the first to rumble when the occasion was presented. So I was surprised to see him at FCA, but thankful.

  • Get Back Up!

    November 18, 2008


    No matter how many times you have failed it’s time to get back up!

  • Is There an Elephant in the Room?

    November 17, 2008


    Sometimes our limitations are just in our head! Kind of like an elephant!

  • #64 - StVRP - Glen Coffee, Justin Griffith, Chris Spielman, Les Steckel

    November 15, 2008


    Alabama running back Glen Coffee, Oakland Raiders fullback Justin Griffith, college football analyst Chris Spielman and FCA President Les Steckel.

  • In God We Trust

    November 11, 2008


    A week has gone by since it all finally finished. Another election has come and gone. Historical, yes. Life-changing? Time will tell. But I was reminded of a simple truth we see every day, but one that many seem to forget. It is in our pockets, in our wallets, in our banks. It’s not our money, but something inscribed on it. It is the phrase “In God We Trust.”

    The Psalmist teaches us a very good lesson. That all our hope, all our trust, all our reliance is to be in the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Doubts and fears will come. Our current economic status has many wondering what is next, but do we truly put our trust in God? This goes far beyond who was elected to office at any level. It drives deep into the core of who we are.

  • #63 - StVRP - Mark Richt, Georgia football mission trip feature, Mike Rucker, Les Steckel

    November 08, 2008


    University of Georgia head football coach Mark Richt, feature on Georgia football team taking a mission trip to Honduras, Former NFL defensive lineman Mike Rucker and FCA President Les Steckel.

  • Is IT in you?

    November 07, 2008


    Do you have what it takes to be healthy? I think you do!

  • Running on the Edge

    November 06, 2008


    Driving down the road yesterday I saw something that made me take notice. Coming toward me was a middle-aged man running against traffic. Now, that did not bother me so much; I see that all the time. But what I found strange was that he had his iPod on and was running right on the edge of the cars. Then I broke out in laughter because not 10 feet from him on his left was a beautiful well-groomed sidewalk, on which there was not a single person.

  • It may be HARD

    November 06, 2008


    Does the Holy Spirit actually lead us into tough situations??

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