I had the blessing of seeing 2012 Olympian-hopeful Michelle McKeehan break the national record in the 200 IM at the Indiana State Swimming High School finals. After breaking the national record with a time of 1:58:06, McKeehan received an encouraging standing ovation from every person in the packed Indianapolis natatorium, including her opponents.
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The Power of Encouragement 2
Getting our eyes off ourselves gives us power to make someone else’s day!
The Power of Fear
Set:Coach Smith was aware that one of his players was smoking pot. There was good evidence that he had even smoked on a team trip, which was clearly a violation of team rules. But Coach Smith did not take any action or even talk with the player.
At the end of the season, the school principal called Coach Smith for a meeting and told him that there was verifiable evidence the player had consistently violated team rules. The principal also had clear evidence that the coach knew about it; consequently, he was asked to resign.
The Power of God
Set:I have been on an amazing journey this year just watching God perform powerful miracles in my life. For those of you who have not read any of my previous Impact Plays, I am on a quest to be the first person with Multiple Sclerosis to compete in a NPC bodybuilding contest. And I am approaching my 50th birthday!
The Power of Joy
Set:A large crowd gathered for the memorial service of Coach Whitson, a much-loved junior high coach who had been at the same school for 17 years. Several former players spoke of his impact on their lives, describing him as happy and joyful. Those close to him knew what they were talking about, because Coach Whitson understood what it meant to offer thanksgiving and praise to God regardless of the circumstances. He walked in worship, even when the circumstances were not happy. Though he had had his share of pain, his focus on thanksgiving gave him a joy that touched many lives.
The Power of Love
Set:Bobby turned the ball over for the fourth straight possession and the coach called time-out. As Bobby came to the bench his teammates were all over him. Bobby’s response was “Where’s the love guys?” At that moment there was very little love for Bobby or anyone on the team. They allowed the distraction of the turnovers to affect their attitudes toward their teammate.
The key ingredient of any relationship is love—agape love—a love that is self-sacrificing and cares more about the person than any situation. Every gift we have been given by God needs to be exercised in this kind of love—God’s genuine love. What do we do when evil sets in or when we go off on a teammate? We need to cling to what is good.
The Power of One Word
Set:Eight years ago, I started the simple discipline of picking a one-word theme for the upcoming year. That’s right—one word—not a phrase or statement, just a single word. And to this point, it has been nothing short of life changing. Through this exercise, God has stretched me spiritually, physically, and emotionally. This exercise cannot be approached alfheartedly. Satan will come out in full force. This is truly a discipline for those who want to press in and see God do great things through them.
It’s for those who want to live life to the fullest—no retreat, no regrets. It’s also a process of teaching, correcting, and molding, for when we are soft in the Creator’s hands, He can form us into His vessel!
The Power of One Word
Set:Get One Word for the new year…but be careful! It might change you.
Since 1999, we started the simple discipline of developing a One Word theme for the upcoming year. That is right—One Word. Not a phrase, not a statement, just a single word. To this point, it has been nothing short of life-changing.
The Power of Prayer
Set:Nate is as strong as a bull. While playing superback in college in the Big Ten Conference, he battled some of the toughest players in the game of football. Right before Christmas this year, however, he found out that he was battling an even tougher opponent: Stage 3 cancer. On Christmas Eve, he had a tumor removed, but the doctors were still concerned that more cancer might have spread. No amount of physical strength alone would be able to tackle this issue.
The Power of the Resurrection
Set:When it comes to endurance, the power of the resurrection is necessary. As a triathlete who constantly goes through training cycles that push my limits, I often get skeptical about how far I can go or how much I can push myself. After a long race, I feel completely spent, like I’m older than the hills and will never fully recover. But given time and the fact that the body is a work of God—a miracle by all accounts—and in spite of personal human doubt, I spring back, stronger and better than before.
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