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Bible Study

  • Competitor’s Creed Study 3: Steal or Reveal

    November 05, 2007


    I do not trust in myself.
    I do not boast in my abilities or believe in my own strength.
    I rely solely on the power of God.
    I compete for the pleasure of my Heavenly Father, the honor of Christ, and the
    reputation of the Holy Spirit.

    I do not trust in myself.
    How important is trust to your success in athletics?

    What are some ways you can show trust to those on your team and your coaching staff?

  • Competitor’s Creed Study 4: Attitude

    November 04, 2007


    My attitude on and off the field is above reproach – my conduct beyond criticism.
    Whether I am preparing, practicing or playing; I submit to God’s authority and those He has put over me.
    I respect my coaches, officials, teammates and competitors out of respect for the Lord.

    My attitude on and off the field is above reproach – my conduct beyond criticism.
    Read Titus 2:6-8. What is God saying to you through this passage? How does this passage apply to athletics?

    How can your attitude and conduct impact your team?

    Are you pleased with the example you are setting for those on your team? Do you think God is pleased with your example? Why or why not?

  • Competitor’s Creed Study 5: The Temple

    November 03, 2007


    My body is the temple of Jesus Christ.
    I protect it from within and without. Nothing enters my body that does not
    honor the Living God.
    My sweat is an offering to my Master. My soreness is a sacrifice to my Savior.

    My body is the temple of Jesus Christ.
    How would you describe God’s temple to someone? How is it described in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17?

    What does it mean to say, “My body is the temple of Jesus Christ?”

    I protect it from within and without. Nothing enters my body that does not honor the Living God.
    What are some things you try to “protect” your body from? How do you protect it from these things?

  • Competitor’s Creed Study 6: The Lord's Warrior

    November 02, 2007


    I give my all – all of the time. I do not give up. I do not give in. I do not give out.
    I am the Lord’s warrior – a competitor by conviction and a disciple of determination.
    I am confident beyond reason because my confidence lies in Christ.
    The results of my efforts must result in His glory.

    I give my all – all of the time. I do not give up. I do not give in. I do not give out.
    When is it most difficult for you to give your all in athletics? Why?

    How can you apply Galatians 6:9 to athletics?

    I am the Lord’s warrior – a competitor by conviction and a disciple of determination.
    What are the characteristics of a warrior in athletics?

  • Injury - Chapel

    October 27, 2007


    1 – The recent injuries we have experienced serve to remind us of a very important truth.

  • Heart for Teammates - Chapel

    October 27, 2007


    Chapel – Heart for Teammates

    1 – To have the Heart of a Champion one must have:
    • A heart for competition
    • A heart for training
    • A heart for teammates

    2 – Today we will talk about having a heart for teammates.

    3 – John 15:12-13 (read the text)
    • Jesus’ command was for these men to love each other. They did it.
    • Jesus defined the greatest kind of love – to give one’s life for his friends.
    o He did that literally. He died for them and for us.

  • Comparisons - Chapel

    October 27, 2007


    Chapel – Comparisons

    1 – Do you watch web sites for the weekly team power rankings?
    • Do you pay attention to the state or national rankings of teams in our sport?
    • Do you read the paper to see who beat whom?
    • Do you make comparisons between teams and players?
    • Sometimes, such comparisons could be misleading and lead you to a poor performance and with it a disappointing loss.

  • Breakthrough - Chapel

    October 27, 2007


    Chapel – Breakthrough

    1 – Games with this opponent have been ones where our team has made breakthroughs over the last few years. What will it be today?
    • Breakthrough victory story 1 – Commitment to teammates
    • Breakthrough victory story 2 – Commitment to winning
    • Breakthrough victory story 3 – Commitment to being champions
    • What will it be this year? Our breakthrough will be determined by our commitments.

  • Vision - Chapel

    October 25, 2007


    1 – Your coaching staff and your senior leaders have a vision for your team.  To be champions is a vision worth believing in and pursuing.

    2 – Habakkuk 2:2-3 (read the text)

  • Unified - Chapel

    October 25, 2007


    1 – Introduction – If we will compete in a unified way today, we will do very well.

    2 – Take encouragement from this story in Genesis chapter 11.  Read the text – Genesis 11:1-8. 

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