Competing is about performance. We prepare hard and we quickly learn there are two outcomes: perform or perish! As competitors, we step onto the field or court, set everything aside and perform our best! Regardless of what is going on inside, we are expected to play well. We train ourselves to not let the inside struggles affect the outside performance. We are still expected to compete at a high level.
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Get Smart
Three weeks ago, the name Shaka Smart was not one most people would have recognized (outside of VCU nation, of course). However, Coach Smart—the head coach of NCAA men’s Final Four team Virginia Commonwealth University—is now a household name after their great run through the tournament. After the season, it’s a safe bet that Coach Smart will even be offered a number of coaching positions at larger schools. It’s just part of the situation for a once little-known coach who is now one of the hottest names in the sport today.
Way of Living
I am sure we all have heard about the passing of Reggie White, the former NFL defensive great known as the "Minister of Defense." Reggie passed away on December 26, 2004, from a condition known as sarcoidosis, which affected his respiratory system during his sleep. White was one of the most respected players on and off the field. He also was known for how he preached his faith throughout his playing career.
Mythbusters - Eating Healthy is too expensive
While eating healthy can be expensive, but there are easy ways to cut costs and still eat healthy!
Is Jesus Enough?
I had the opportunity to attend a coach's forum in St. Louis while ministering at the Final Four. During the forum, a coach from an NCAA Division II school stood and shared his story. He told how his players asked him to lead pre-game prayers before games and practices and was glad to do it. His administration heard about his participation and wrote him a letter asking him to stop this immediately or he would be let go from his coaching position. He had a choice to make.
The Apostle Paul understood one thing in his ministry. Whether he lived or died, Jesus was always enough for him. As he suffered in prison, in persecution and in the loss of his health and possessions, Paul held firm to one thing -- that Jesus would sustain him. Can we say the same?
Step Up
I will go on record and say I am not a big Terrell Owens fan. However, what he did in the Super Bowl was quite impressive and worthy of acknowledgement. Though he was hurt and his doctors discouraged him from playing, he knew he had to step up and play to help his team. He did a great job, and I am sure he played through a lot of pain. But he knew he was needed and did what he knew was the right thing for his team.
Taking Grace for Granted
I know all of us have heard about "the story," right? The story of how we are forgiven for all our sins because Jesus came and died for us.
Last weekend I was in Medford playing soccer. In our last game, I was a little too fired up and used some words I don't want to mention again. And before the game I had specifically said, "Lord, I’m playing for You." After the game was over I realized that I had completely gone back on my word. I’d gotten caught up in the competition.
No Knick Knocking!
Of all the silly games that I learned as a child, the one I remember best was a game some of the older kids in the neighborhood played—one that we didn’t exactly brag about to our parents. “Knick Knocking” was the practice of approaching a neighbor’s front door, knocking loudly several times, and then running away. Serious Knick Knockers would retreat to a nearby hideaway so that they could watch the unsuspecting neighbor open the door and search for a visitor. This was actually entertaining to the mischievous kids on our block!
Sin City
There is a plot: Mike Sanford, in his second season as head football coach at UNLV, is working long hours in an attempt to stop a streak four straight losing seasons and transform the program into a Mountain West Conference power.
And there is a subplot: He will do it his way. He will do it the only way that will mesh with his beliefs. He will do it by offering his players a pipeline to God.
Fit 4 Ever: It's Time to Train
My favorite scenes from the Rocky movies are the training scenes. They are vintage Stallone — the intensity, the discipline, the passion! I have vivid images of him punishing a side of beef, trudging through the heavy snows of Siberia and running mile after mile before the sun rises. Even though the outcomes of these fights were decided in the scripts, real-life outcomes are often determined by how we train and how we get ready for the inevitable storms of life.
Fit 4 Ever: How Safe Are Your Supplements?
Steroid use has in many ways cast a shadow over the entire world of sports. Many fans have been left wondering whether or not anybody in big-time athletics is clean. At this stage of the game with penalties for positive drug tests escalating, an athlete would be a fool to take a chance with steroids. But the quest for glory still lures some into a reputation-destroying mistake.
#21 - StVRP - Anthony Munoz, Bruce Matthews and Rod Olson
Cincinnati Bengals Anthony Munoz, Houston Oilers/Tennessee Titans Bruce Matthews, FCA’s Rod Olson, Sullivan South High School, FCA President Les Steckel
True Worship
I know a team that loves to talk the talk, but does not know how to walk the walk. They look the part, but many of them do not work for the true good of the team. Many are just in it for the status and the look, thinking that they have already arrived. Know any teams or players like that? On game day, they are dressed to the hilt. They say the right things and look the part, but when the ball is in play, you find out what they are truly made of, or how much they have really prepared for the competition.
#72 - StVRP - David Thornton, Ben Bost, Wes Neal & Les Steckel
Tennessee Titans linebacker David Thornton, FCA Golf Tour Life Director Ben Bost, author and speaker Wes Neal and FCA President Les Steckel.
One Way
How many different ways can you get to FCA Camp? Planes, trains, automobiles. Those are just a few, but they come from all directions to make it on time. Once they arrive, the games begin and the coaches find each athlete has a different way of playing their sport. Each technique is similar but has its own unique way of getting things done.
#23 - StVRP - Tony Dungy, Anthony Munoz, Bruce Matthews and Jeff Siemon
Indianapolis Colts head coach Tony Dungy, Anthony Munoz, Bruce Matthews and Jeff Siemon
Fit 4 Ever: Be a Family of Losers!
Back in September, I had an opportunity to attend a sneak preview for the reality show “The Biggest Loser: Families.” What makes this season unique for the popular program is that it is a test between teams of married couples and teams of parents and children.
As the contestants were selected and introduced, you could see their obvious jubilation. They made statements like, “Nothing is going to stop me,” “I want this more than anything,” and “I will do whatever it takes!” I couldn’t help but wonder how long that excitement and determination would last once the training and sacrifice part began.
Waiting: What is it good for?
Jason is a good coach. He coached with me as one of my assistants in Oklahoma. I always knew he had a good basketball mind and that it was just a matter of time before he became a head coach. Strongly desiring a head position himself, Jason waited and waited. He took several positions to teach and coach, but yet was never named a head coach. Other friends around him were getting head coaching jobs, but not him. So, he waited.
The Power of the Resurrection
When it comes to endurance, the power of the resurrection is necessary. As a triathlete who constantly goes through training cycles that push my limits, I often get skeptical about how far I can go or how much I can push myself. After a long race, I feel completely spent, like I’m older than the hills and will never fully recover. But given time and the fact that the body is a work of God—a miracle by all accounts—and in spite of personal human doubt, I spring back, stronger and better than before.
Conference Call Training #4
Best Practices with Roger Lipe and FCA's Jill Perry at the University of Georgia.
sctcc4a.mp3 part 1
SCTCC4b.mp3 part 2
The Power of Love
Bobby turned the ball over for the fourth straight possession and the coach called time-out. As Bobby came to the bench his teammates were all over him. Bobby’s response was “Where’s the love guys?” At that moment there was very little love for Bobby or anyone on the team. They allowed the distraction of the turnovers to affect their attitudes toward their teammate.
The key ingredient of any relationship is love—agape love—a love that is self-sacrificing and cares more about the person than any situation. Every gift we have been given by God needs to be exercised in this kind of love—God’s genuine love. What do we do when evil sets in or when we go off on a teammate? We need to cling to what is good.
#59 - StVRP - Phil Savage, Steve Fitzhugh, Turner Gill, Les Steckel
Cleveland Browns General Manager Phil Savage, FCA One Way to Play spokesman Steve Fitzhugh, University of Buffalo head football coach Turner Gill and FCA President Les Steckel
#92 - StVRP - Ernie Johnson, Nate Giarratano, Joe White & Les Steckel
TNT Sports broadcaster Ernie Johnson, Axiom Skateboarding director Nate Giarratano, Kanakuk Kamps President Joe White & FCA President Les Steckel.
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